Posted by alchemist on May 18, 2013
The first thing I do after waking up in the morning is check myself in the full length mirror. The immediate glance is at my tummy. Just to make myself happy, I suck in the air (flat tummy till you’re unable to breathe) Getting a washboard ab has and will always be in my Body Checklist.
Many off workout or join the bandwagon of weight losers solely to get a flat and fab tummy. When working out, focus on vital parts of your body. If you want to get a flat tummy but overlook other aspects of your body, then accomplishment of your goal will be incomplete and insufficient.
If you want to put a good use of your workout, then do the basic but apply more focus on the desired part (tummy). Here few simple exercises that you can try, without effecting your workout regime nor time and energy.
- The plank
- Bicycle crunch
- The boat
No, these are not outdoor deals but names of concerning exercises.
The plank exercise is one, where you need to lie face downward and then lift yourself to your forearms and toes. Bend with your elbows at 90 degrees. While in the posture, do keep core muscles tight, which are focused on your bottom and stomach and keep your legs straight holding them for at least 10 seconds. Do the entire routine for 3 times a day, but increasing the duration gradually. Remember not to rush and always start with 10 seconds, leading to a maximum of 40 seconds.
Next up is the bicycle crunch. You need to lie down, while pressing your back on the floor. Keeping with the posture, bring your hands well behind your head and bend your legs at a 45 degree angle. While doing so, bring in your right knee onto your chest and keep the left leg straight. At the same time, try to rotate top half of your body, so that the left elbow reaches the right knee and after this switch that to the other side. Do this for at least a minute and for 3 times in a single day.

Final exercise is the boat. This one is kinda simple. First, seat yourself on the floor, bending your knees and keeping your feet flat, along with titling your back and extending legs. The posture must be like a right angle. After getting in the posture, pull the abs in a balance and extend the arms that at your shoulder height and past your knees. Whilst in this position, hold onto it and take slow breaths counting till 5 and then returning that to your initial position. Do the boat for 5 times every day.
Doing these tree exercises, but keeping the basic ones at tow, will definitely help you to get a sexy belly and washboard abs!
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