The colon cancer, a major cause of mortality, and is linked to eating foods high in fat and low fiber and cigarette smoking and genetics. Could to cure by natural means Kaloashab to kill cancer cells, and the top 5 herbs are resistant to colon cancer:
1 - Turmeric:
Proven clinical trials that the use of turmeric effective in the treatment of colon cancer, it also suppresses the growth and proliferation of cancer cells and is a powerful antioxidant.
2 - Garlic:
Garlic helps to stop the growth of cancer cells in an effective manner.Because of the existence of a natural chemical called allicin.
3 - Ginger:
Has the ability to slow the spread of cancer in the colon and the surrounding tissues of the body.
4 - Flaxseed:
It is a good source of omega-3 anti-cancer. The regular use helps to reduce tumor growth in the colon by killing cancer cells. So it is recommended to take two tablespoons of flaxseed per day.
5 - Sage:
Sage drenched drinking slows down the multiplication and growth of cancer cells. This is due to the presence of essential oils in this herb.
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