When I was younger, I was afraid of my great-grandmother. She was all hunched over, wrinkled like a raisin, and smelled like old age. So for most of my life, I was afraid to grow old. I simply didn't want to get all wrinkly and brittle.
There, I said it. Growing old did not sound like a good time.
I liked my youth. I was active, had great, soft skin, my hair was still growing and I was fit. I didn't want to give up all the narcissistic things that seemed to go along with aging. You feel me? Tell me you can relate!
But what I've learned as a holistic health coach is that growing old doesn't mean we have to look old or feel old.
And 40 is the new 30.
And 50 is the new 40.
And 60 is the new 50.
I'm lucky. I still have my youth. Although I would never have considered my parents "young" in their 40's, I feel young. And you know what? I think I look pretty darn good too. Why? Because I've taken care of myself.
These are the three things that are absolute musts for me. No if ands or buts. No compromise. And I believe, thanks to them, I'm going to be looking 50 at 70.
1. Develop a diet for the long haul.
For one, you simply can't drink enough water. Over 70% of our bodies are made up of water, and we've got to keep hydrated. Drink plenty of water a day and eat lots of raw fruits and veggies (they contain a lot of water).
Second, there are age defying foods you can educate yourself about and incorporate into your diet. Yes, these food really do promote cellular health and protect against disease.
Third, get off the sugar. Plain and simple. Trade it in for dark leafy greens, avocados, and dark fruits instead.
Eat right. You'll give your body what it needs to fight free radicals and toxins (the main players in premature aging).
2. Exercise.
If you want any of aspect of your life to be amazing you have to eat right and exercise. So annoying, right? How many times have you heard, "Get your butt to the gym," or, "Eat more veggies!"?
Sound like work? I have no sympathy. Just do it!
3. Use organic skin care.
What you put on your skin is just as important as what you put into your body.
It's sad to say, but our world is totally polluted. The only saving grace you have from these toxins and pollutants in the world is high-quality organic ingredients. It's not a gimmick.
It's not a way to get you to spend more money.
It's a reality.
Look for a line that's loaded with mega antioxidants (fights free radicals, premature aging and toxins) and powerful essential oils. In addition to these already incredible ingredients, I use products that are non-GMO, vegan and gluten free.
I love my skin care, and I strongly encourage you to try it if you're interested in anti-aging.
Let's face it: no one wants to age. Unfortunately, it's inevitable. But at what rate are you aging?
The way we live our lives determines whether or not we age with grace. Although there are anti-aging creams galore on the market, did you know that certain foods that can reduce the signs of aging as well?
Here are 8 foods that can help you to age with grace:
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