Having dull skin is a common skin problem and we hate it. You use the strongest moisturizer you have and you still have dull skin. When I have dull skin, I call it ”The Living Dead” Skin condition. Here are some tips for you to combat your dull skin.
1.) Drink plenty of water.
This is something that a lot of people forget to do. You’re supposed to drink 8 glasses of water a day. I drink 72 fl oz of water a day mainly because I’m trying to lose weight. You might forget to drink 8 glasses of water so just drink water instead of soda when you feel thirsty. You can tell if you are getting enough water by checking your pee. If your pee looks golden, then you’re not getting enough water. If your pee looks almost clear like water with a small yellow tint to it, you’re water intake is good.
2.) Facial Masques
You can either make your own with ingredients you have in your kitchen cabinet or buy them. I personally don’t like to buy facial masques since most commercial skin care products have fragrances in them. I believe that when you clean your skin, it should be as natural as possible. My favorite masque to use is a simple raw honey masque. It hydrates the skin. There are many homemade masque recipes online.
3.) Eat healthy.
Eat plenty of meat, fruits and vegetables. Maybe instead of eating a burger for lunch you can eat a salad. If you can eat a salad without any dressing, I give you props because it’s difficult for most people. I know it was for me. Try to eat less baked goods and processed food. Limit eating junk food to once or twice a week.
4.)Get Enough Sleep
Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night. I had a lot of finals to do this week for all of my college courses and my skin started looking dull because I am like most college students and procrastinate. So make sure you get enough sleep so your skin will glow and so you do not have hollowed looking eyes.
I hope these tips help you with your “Living Dead” dull skin. Tell me if these tips help in the comment section below.
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