Saturday, November 30, 2013


By Dr. Joseph Mercola
     with Rachael Droege

Jika mahukan kulit yang lembut, licin, awet muda sila teruskan pembacaan anda.

Di senaraikan info yang anda perlukan untuk mendapatkan kulit idaman anda, tidak kira berapa pun usia anda.

Hadkan  Pendedahan Kepada Cahaya Matahari

 Mendedahkan kulit anda terhadap cahaya matahari dalam masa yang lama  akan mengakibatkan sunburn.  Kulit yang terbakar akan rosak dan menyebabkan anda cepat kelihatan tua dari usia sebenar.

Semasa suhu terpanas di antara 10 pagi dan 2 petang hadkan pendedahan anda terhadap sinar matahari dengan memakai payung atau topi kembang atau pakaian yang menutup seluruh tubuh.

Menggunakan krim penghalang ultraviolet bukan alasan yang baik menghadkan pendedahan kepada cahaya matahari, menurut fakta, sunscreen adalah perkara terakhir yang anda ingin letak di kulit anda kerana suncreen adalah toxic kimia yang boleh menyebabkan masalah kepada sistem tubuh dan meningkatkan risiko anda mendapat berbagai penyakit.

Ingat cahaya matahari bukan untuk dihindari sama sekali.  Kita perlukan cahaya matahari untuk  mengekalkan kesihatan kita.  Kunci utama adalah membina rintangan kepada cahaya matahari dengan keluar rumah di awal pagi sebelum pukul 10pagi atau berjemur di awal pagi setiap pagi selama 10 minit dan mengelak dari mendapat sunburned.

Jauhi Diet  'yo-Yo"

Selalunya pusingan yang tidak ada penghujung - meningkat berat badan dan kehilangan berat badan menyebabkan kulit merengang dan kurang elastik.  Apabila meningkat usia, kulit  yang merenggang ini akan mengeleber dan berkedut hanya disebabkan kuasa graviti.

Walaubagaimanapun, kekal dalam berat badan yang berlebihan menyumbang kepada kulit yang kelihatan tua, kerana lemak yang berlebihan akan berkumpul di sekeliling dagu, leher dan pipi apabila usia meningkat.  Mengekalkan berat ideal bererti mengekalkan keanjalan dan keremajaan kulit anda.

Jika anda ingin mengurangkan berat badan, buku saya  The Total Health Program, boleh membantu anda mengekalkan berat badan ideal anda.

Minyak Kelapa Dara

Menggunakan minyak kelapa dara adalah salah satu cara yang boleh meremajakan kulit anda. Ia tidak cuma menghalang pembentukan radikal bebas dan melindungi dari radikal bebas juga menghalang pembentukan liver spot dan bintik-bintik kulit disebabkan proses penuaan dan pendedahan yang melampau kepada cahaya matahari.

Minyak kelapa dara mengekalkan tisu penghubung kulit menjadi kuat dan sihat, di mana membantu menghalang kulit mengeleber dan berkedut, dan dalam kes tertentu boleh   mengembalikan  kulit yang rosak atau berpenyakit.

Minyak Kelapa Dara bukan sekadar memberi kelegaan sementara kepada kulit, juga membantu menyembuh dan membaiki, tidak sebaaimana losen lain.  Minyak kelapa dara, boleh mengembalikan keremajaan kulit dengan menanggalkan lapisan luar sel kulit yang mati meyebabkan kulit kembali lembt.  Kulit juga kelihatan sekata dan bersinar sihat.  Minyak kelapa dara masuk kedalam lapisan kulit dan menguatkan isu-tisu dalaman.

secara semulajadi, anda perlu memilih minyak kelapa dara yang bebas bahan kimia dan tidak di bleach atau dihidrogenated, yang mana akan menrengsa kulit anda dan juga jika anda inginkan kesan penyembuhan semaksima mungkin.

Relaxkan Otot-Otot Muka Anda

Jika anda selalu bermasam muka (atau selalu tersenyum lebar ) garis-garis halus akan muncul di mana otot-otot digunakan.  Cuba kenalpasti  otot-otot yang tegang di wajah anda dan berusaha merelaxkannya.

Begitu juga, jika anda tidur meniarap boleh menyebabkan kedut sebelum masanya kerana tekanan dan tarikan berulangan ke atas kulit muka oleh graviti. Cuba tidur menelentang atau pelbagaikan kedudukan cara tidur anda supaya tidak menyebabkan kedutan halus kekal
di wajah anda.

Banyakkan Mengambil Omega-3

Fatty asid omega-3 sangat penting untuk kulit yang sihat, malangnya kebanyakkan orang mengalami kekurangan zat ini.  Pastikan anda mendapaat omega-3 dalam diet harian anda, dengan mengambil minyak ikan atau minyal ikan cod secara berterusan membantu menjadikan kulit anda bertenaga, awet muda dan bersinar sihat.

Lemak omega-3 membantu menormalkan lipids kulit dan mencegah kekeringan di dalam sel-sel.  Ini mengekalkan sel kulit kuat dan penuh dengan kelembapan membantu mengurangkan kedut-kedut halus terbentuk dan kelihatan dikulit anda.

Kekurangan fatty asid boleh dikenalpasti dalam berbagai cara, masalah klit seperti azema, kutil dan tumit merekah adalah masalah yang paling jelas.  Begitu juga lemak omega-3 mengandungi kesan anti radang  yang boleh melegakan kegatalan kulit, memberi anda kulit yang sihat dan licin tanpa cela.

Selain dari mengambil minyak ikan yang berkualiti tinggi atau krill oil, anda juga boleh mengambil ikan salmon.

Jauhi Asap Rokok

Samada anda merokok atau anda berada di kalangan orang yang merokok, asap rokok  mendedahkan anda kepad free redicals yang mempercepatkan proses penuaan dengan menrosakkan mikrokapilaries di dalam kulit.  Ini menghalang kebolehan  kulit menyerap nutrien yang mana mempercepatkan kedutan dan cepat tua.

Antioksidan, yang biasa di dapati dalam buah-buahan dan bluberries organik, boleh membantu melawan kerosakkan yang disebabkan oleh free radikal dan secara semulajadi mengalakkan kulit yang sihat dan awet muda.  Diet dengan sayuran juga membekalkan mikronutrients dan juga antioksidan, yang mana menghadkan kerosakkan kulit disebabkan oleh pancaran sinar matahari serta mengalak  dan mempercepatkan proses pembaikan kulit.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

6 Mind Blowing Benefits of Sex that will Amaze You


What exactly happen when we think of sex?

Answer may be a lot! But, do you know about the benefits lie underneath?

You may find this weird that sex leads our vigour, but it’s true! Have you ever imagined the wild fantasies with benefits? When you are in a mood to make love or have sex, it might just help you to boost up your health.

Let me tell you 5 healthy benefits and make it unambiguous how juicy sex lives do wonders with you?

1.     Sex Advances Immunity

Making love once or twice a week, has been linked with superior intensity of an antibody, known as immunoglobulin IgA or A, which help you to stay away from any kind of infections and cold.

2.     Minus Stress, Improved Blood Pressure

Sex lessens stress and blood pressure. In a research, the couple, who had intercourse, responded better to stress than those, who avoided the sexual behaviours. Another study revealed the fact that those women, who get heaps of hugs from their men, have better blood pressure than anyone else.

3.     Sex Burns Maximum Calories

“Sex is an enormous mode of exercise.”- says Patti Britton, a sexologist. Thirty minutes of sex smoulders 90 calories or more. 3,570 calories can be burnt in 42½ sessions. Isn’t it more than enough to lose a pound?

4.     Heart Problems Improve by Having Sex

t has been proved that men, who have sex regularly, are half likely to have deadly heart issues than men, who have less than twice.

5.     Self Esteem

Many people have sex to boost their self esteem. Several couples have experienced that sex plays an imperative role in getting rid of all the worries. Now, don’t take it in a way that you will start having a lot of sex to make yourself feel good, every time. But yes, sex twice or thrice a week will put you on the cloud9.

6.     Sound Sleep

Research shows that sex promotes sleep, which helps in improving blood pressure, keeping weight in control and refreshing your mind.

Now, you understand how sex assists you to remain hale and hearty. So, try to incorporate it in your life to captivate the real essence of the relationship.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013




By Kris Carr

As you know, I love me some green juice. This is what I make myself

every morning, and even sometimes again in the afternoon.

This recipe makes approximately 32 ounces which is enough for my husband and I.

* 2 large cucumbers (peeled if not organic)
* big fistful of kale
* big fistful of sweet pea sprouts
* 4–5 stalks celery
* 1–2 big broccoli stems
* 1 pear or green apple (optional)
* 1 inch of ginger (or less)

Other optional greens we love: romaine, parsley, spinach

and dandelion.

Menurut kajian jika diamalkan mnereka apabila berusia 75 tahun akan tidak ada kedutan langsung, wrickle free skin, oh babee i love this juice hehe.

Keep glowing ladies!


There's no getting around pain in this life. If you're human, you're vulnerable. You're given this body and this heart, and all of your experiences, but you're also given an unknown expiration date.

And so are all the people you love. Vulnerability is built into the deal.

Sometimes we lose people because their time is up, with warning, or without it. That's brutal to accept if the time they had was woefully short, and if you weren't even nearly done loving them.

The thing is, even if those we love are taken from us, the love doesn't die, it lives in your heart. That's not the same as being able to hold them, to hug them, to hear their voice or see their smile light up a room, I fully realize that.

But there is something beautiful about having loved so deeply, there is something to be gratefulfor in that. If you've lost a child, my heart so so goes out to you. A close family member lost his six-year-old son many years ago, and I can tell you honestly, I'll never be over it. And he wasn't even mine.

Some things will never be okay. And I think it's important to understand that. Accepting that there are certain, knifing things that are going to be with you for the rest of your life is often the key to seeing any way forward. It's just something you're going to carry.

Sometimes we lose people because they choose to leave us. Rejection is one of the most painful experiences we go through. The feeling that you gave someone your heart—and in some cases, years of your time and your care and your energy—and they've decided they'd rather move forward without you, can be so devastating. If betrayal is involved, it's even more painful.

But here's the thing. If someone couldn't see you anymore, if they couldn't recognize the gift that you are in all your uniqueness, then it's good that they freed you. If they did it in an awful way, that's part of their journey, and a reflection of where they're at in their own development. It is not a reflection on you, or your worthiness to be loved. Hurt people, hurt people as the saying goes.

Not everyone communicates well, and some people let their fear and rage and resentment boil up until one day they explode. The explosion can look like turning to someone else, or taking off, or any number of things. And don't get me wrong here, it's never one person's fault when a relationship ends.

You always have to take a look at your own participation. Maybe you bent over backwards trying to make things work. Maybe you accepted poor treatment for too long. Maybe you tried to sell yourself and the other person on how amazing you are, and how great things were. But that isn't love. That's manipulation, as painful as it may be to own that.

When we try to convince or manage or control, we're refusing to accept reality as it is; we're refusing to deal with the truth of the other person. Don't ever sell yourself. You're priceless. One-of-a-kind in seven billion people. If someone can't recognize the miracle you are, truly, release yourself. We all deserve to be seen and understood and cherished. You may need to learn to do those things for yourself, first.

Sometimes our hearts are broken because our plan gets turned upside down, or because we feel trapped by the picture we had in our heads of "how things should be". I have this blog and I do streaming yoga videos that are used around the world, so people write in every day, and not long ago this man wrote to me in agony.

He was in his sixth year of medical school. His parents' dream had always been that he'd grow up and become a doctor. His parents stayed up countless nights, helping him with his homework, and pursuing every advantage they could for him. They didn't have much, but whatever they had, they gave it to him. His dad worked two jobs his whole life, sometimes three. His mother was home with him until he was old enough to be on his own in the afternoons, and then she started cleaning houses. Every penny went toward his education fund.

And he did it. he worked and worked and eventually got into a great college, and then medical school. His parents took out a second mortgage on their home. Never vacationed, never treated themselves to anything, and have never complained, not once. He's their pride and joy. But he doesn't want to be a doctor. He's been in medical school long enough to realize this isn't his dream. And he feels trapped, and angry with himself for not speaking up sooner, and angry with his parents for putting him under this pressure. He feels guilty and ashamed about the feelings he has. He loves his parents, he wants to make them proud. He can't imagine disappointing them after all they've done.

Wise people have been writing about the nature of life and the incredible ability of the heart to both break and open for centuries. Rumi has a beautiful quote, "The wound is the place where the light enters you." Or, as Leonard Cohen once said, "There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in." And one more from Rose Kennedy, "It has been said, 'Time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone."

I'm with Rose. I think the scars mark the places where you were forced to understand with searing heat the reality that you are not in control. You can't save people, or manage their paths, or use your will to make everything okay. All you can do is love people, with your whole heart, for as long as they're with you.

It's crucial to understand when your heart is broken, you can let the experience harden you, or soften you. There's great power in recognizing your own vulnerability, in surrendering to it. Because you'll never take anyone for granted, nor will you lose sight of the gift of each day, of each breath, of each opportunity you have to tell and to show the people you love, how you feel.

In the meantime, if you're grieving the loss of someone you don't think you can live without, or the ending of a relationship, or the plan you've been working for so long, the only way through it is through it. Allow yourself to feel your feelings, all of them.

If you're enraged, that's how it is right now. If you're in despair, open to it and allow it. No one can tell you how long you need to grieve, that's a journey only you can take, and no one can tell you how to do it. But denial is pointless, and so is numbing out.

If you look back on your life, you'll realize the most painful times have also been the ones that taught you the most. There are some lessons we don't want to learn, some we'd do anything to give back. But we don't get to choose. Our power lies in our response to what it is that we're given.

Give yourself whatever time and space you need, but also be willing to ask for help. If you're trying to help someone who's grieving, advice isn't it. Make them a meal, help them get in the shower, open up their curtains and let in some light. We all need each other, after all. Sending love and healing to you and your beautiful heart. May it open and open and open.


YBhg Datuk Dr Maznah Hamid

Berbohong merupakan perilaku yang tidak baik. Tetapi, tidak dinafikan bahawa setiap dari kita pasti pernah berbohong, paling teruk pun sekali. Suka saya kongsikan panduan mengenali ‘si pembohong’ yang mahu menutup kebenaran dari anda.

1. Tidak mampu bertentang mata

Hal yang paling biasa apabila seseorang berbohong adalah dengan melihat wajah mereka. Terutama di mata. Biasanya orang yang sedang berbohong tidak mampu bertentang atau menatap mata dengan anda. Si dia juga semakin sering mengerdipkan mata. 

2. Perubahan suara

Ciri-ciri pembohong boleh didengari daripada nada bicaranya, jika sedang meninggi, ertinya sebuah dusta sedang diceritakan. Selain itu lihat juga suaranya yang tegang dan rehat antara ayat yang lama.

3. Menggaru-garukan bahagian tertentu

Cara paling mudah mengesan pembohongan adalah melalui gerakan tangan. Kebanyakan pembohong tidak banyak menggerakkan tangan. Tapi ada satu yang sering mereka lakukan iaitu menggaru dibahagian tertentu.

4. Menyentuh hidung

Apabila seseorang itu berbohong, tisu-tisu erektil pada hidungnya akan dipenuhi darah menyebabkan ianya membesar. Fenomena ini juga dikenali sebagai kesan pinocchio. Jadi, apabila si dia bercakap dengan anda dan kerap menyentuh hidung yang tidak gatal, sebenarnya ada sesuatu yang diselindungkannya.

5. Melengah-lengahkan jawapan

Orang yang berbohong perlu berfikir sebentar untuk mereka cipta pembohongannya. Berfikir terlalu lama, berdehem, batuk dan sebagainya merupakan tanda-tanda bahawa orang tersebut mungkin berdusta.

6. Gagap

Apabila seseorang yang bercakap lancar dan licin tiba-tiba gagap merupakan tanda-tanda sedang mengalami tekanan emosi. Sekiranya tiada apa-apa petunjuk bahawa tekanan ini disebabkan perkara lain seperti sedih, pilu, marah dan sebagainya, kemungkinan besar orang tersebut berbohong.

7. Gerakan Kaki

Ketika pembohong sedang berdiri, kaki mereka mula mengetuk ke tanah. Semasa pembohong sedang duduk, maka kemungkinan besar dia akan mengayun-ayunkan kaki mereka.

8. Guna kata-kata sukar

Kajian menunjukkan orang yang berbohong menukar cara mereka bercakap dan pilihan kata-kata mereka. Si pembohong biasanya menggunakan kata-kata yang sukar difahami. Mereka jarang menggunakan kata ganti orang pertama dan lebih banyak menggunakan kata ganti orang ketiga.

9. Resah

Orang yang berdusta kerap gelisah dan mengubah-ubah posturnya. Apabila seseorang yang dalam keadaan tenang tiba-tiba sahaja menjadi resah dan tidak senang duduk apabila berhadapan dengan sesuatu soalan, ini berkemungkinan merupakan bahawa seseorang itu sedang berbohong.

10. Menutup mulut

Ada sesetengah orang meletakkan tangan di atas mulut mereka apabila berbohong. Ini merupakan satu tindak balas automatik yang lahir dari segi psikologi kerana dari kecil lagi sudah dididik untuk tidak berbohong. Apabila mulut mengeluarkan kata-kata dusta, tangan cuba menghalangnya.

11. Muka kelihatan bingung.

Si pembohong akan memikirkan tentang kesalahannya pada waktu yang sama. Hal ini akan mengganggu perhatiannya dalam percakapan tersebut.

12. Menggelabah jawab pertanyaan spontan

Seseorang yang senang berbohong, kerap kali sudah menyediakan pelbagai versi cerita dalam fikirannya sebelum bertemu dengan orang yang akan dibohongi agar semuanya berjalan sempurna. Untuk mengetahuinya,cuba anda melontarkan pertanyaan spontan yang tidak dapat dibayangkan. Orang yang berbohong selalunya akan menggelabah untuk menjawab pertanyaan seperti ini.

13. Cerita Panjang Lebar

Orang yang selalu berbohong biasanya cukup pandai mengarang cerita sehingga kadang-kala langsung tidak masuk akal. Mereka juga kerap memanjangkan cerita yang ringkas. Mereka yakin bahawa anda akan percaya dengan cerita panjang yang disampaikannya. Oleh itu waspadalah pada mereka yang suka melebarkan cerita yang pada dasarnya mudah sekali untuk disampaikan.

14. Enggan Duduk Berdekatan

Keengganan seseorang duduk berdekatan dengan anda juga boleh menjadi tanda dirinya sedang berbohong. Akibat rasa bersalah, pembohong sejati tidak suka berdekatan dengan orang dibohongi.

Kesimpulannya, sekiranya kita ingin mengesan sama ada seseorang itu berbohong, kita perlu sentiasa memerhatikan air muka dan gerak badannya dengan teliti. Bahasa badan sudah boleh menunjukkan sama ada dirinya berbohong atau tidak. Sebarang perubahan dari keadaan normal mungkin merupakan tanda orang tersebut berbohong.

Jadi kalau dapat sesuatu maklumat jangan percaya 100%. Selidik dahulu perkara tersebut sedalam-dalamnya kemudian buatlah keputusan yang terbaik sama ada mahu percaya atau tidak.

Monday, November 18, 2013


Our obsession with happiness is linked to our inner desire to feel connected and loved. When we're happy, we feel confident, purposeful and in harmony with our true self. However, what is often overlooked in this rush to reach a happy state is learning how to stay happy.

The truth is, happiness is not just a feeling or a state of mind; being happy is actually good for you. People who are genuinely happy are healthier, kinder and have better relationships.

Over the past few years, I've done extensive research for my next book. I inhaled self-help books and absorbed the science of happiness research. As a result of my deep dive into happiness, I can now see a common thread that separates permanently happy people from those who only find happiness for short periods of time.

What it comes down to are the common habits that happy people avoid. Truly happy people don't try to get happy; they just are happy because they recognize that the magic of happiness is in the moment.

If you want to stay happy, cut out these 20 habits in your life that happy people don’t do:

1. They don't ignore strangers.
2. They don't give anything in order to get something in return.
3. They don't distrust themselves.
4. They don't think with their heads, but rather with their hearts.
5. They don't take anything personally.
6. They don't believe their fear is real.
7. They don't refuse to forgive.
8. They don't body bash themselves or others.
9. They don't try to change anyone; they accept everyone for who they are.
10. They don't feel obligated to do things they don't want to.
11. They don't ignore their inner guidance.
12. They don't resist change.
13. They don't stay in a situation that no longer serves them... ever.
14. They don't look outside of themselves to be happy.
15. They don't ignore their dreams and inner desires.
16. They don't think they are broken or that they need to be fixed.
17. They don't judge others.
18. They don't complain.
19. They don't avoid risk
20. They don't blame others and they take full responsibility for their lives.
If you want a more inspiration check out this free guide to help you tap into lasting happiness.


Sunday, November 17, 2013



Pumpkin Seeds
Another seed with a powerful skin-beautifying effect, pumpkin seeds get their power from both the beauty mineral, zinc, and essential fatty acids including omega 3, omega 6, and omega 9. Like hemp seeds, they help reduce inflammation in the body. Try them sprinkled on salads, in smoothies, or simply by the handful. 

This dark, leafy green is an excellent source of two of the keys to gorgeous skin: Vitamin A and sulfur. The chlorophyll in arugula is a potent detoxifier, too.

Try a raw arugula salad topped with the rest of the foods on this list for a delicious dish that will get your skin glowing.  


This creamy fruit delivers a healthy dose of vitamins on its own. Even better: when you pair avocado with a carotenoid-rich food, such as tomatoes, carrots, or bell peppers, it can help you absorb up to five times more of the antioxidants lycopene and beta carotene.

Hemp Seeds
These tiny little seeds are composed of a massive amount of protein, including the sulfur-bearing amino acids: methionine, cysteine, and cystine, which are used to build strong hair, nails, muscle, and skin.

They also have the ideal ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids (1:3), and even include omega 9, which are all strong antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is the cause of many of our skin woes, including blemishes and wrinkles, so adding hemp seeds to your diet can help reduce or prevent those skin issues.

Enjoy them on their own, sprinkled in salads, or blended in smoothies.

Saturday, November 16, 2013


By Maria Bernadis

The word "diet" comes from the ancient Greek “diaita,” which means "the way of life." In Ancient Greece, a diet was about good health, not radical weight loss or getting into a certain outfit.

My book, Cooking & Eating Wisdom for Better Health, empowers people with the tools of how to cook intuitively using healing ingredients that harmonize your body and mind. Cooking and eating will become a time to celebrate, a time to deeply connect with yourself, a time to awaken to new experiences and to heal. I encourage people to explore and rediscover how to use nature for personal healing instead of solely relying on medicine.

Below are five health tips culled from the wisdom of the ancient Greeks:

1. Adopt a Mediterranean diet.

As was inscribed on the temple of Apollo at Delphi, “Nothing in excess." The Mediterranean diet is based on eating everything in moderation and to “let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food,” as Hippocrates said. The Mediterranean diet is high in fruit and vegetables, legumes, unrefined cereals, dairy products (mainly cheese, such as goat’s and sheep’s cheeses, and yogurt), and olive oil is the principal oil. Fish and poultry are consumed in low to moderate quantities, and meat is eaten only occasionally. This diet focuses on a high healthy fat intake (olive oil, nuts and seeds) and a low intake of unhealthy fats (animal fats). Their intake of high energy food such as fruit and vegetables is greater than the intake of low energy foods such as meat, fish and poultry. Honey and grape must are the key sweeteners, and are preferred to white sugar.

2. Cook with wholesome ingredients.

Use ingredients that come from a place of “agapi” (Greek word for unconditional love). For me, this means local, certified organic and sustainable produce that's in season. Use good oils for your dishes. Some good sources of oils include extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, walnut oil, and coconut oil. Avoid restaurants that use vegetable oils, canola oil/corn oil/cotton seed oil (these are usually genetically modified), peanut oil, hydrogenated oil and palm oil.

Opt not to use ingredients riddled with chemicals and pesticides, or GMOs. The kind of energy emitted by chemicals and pesticides diminishes our spiritual energy and our ability to connect with ourselves. Chemicals, GMOs and pesticides alter the harmonious balance of the food and when consumed alter our inner balance and make us ill, both physically and emotionally.

You should also consume probiotic foods such as Greek yogurt and fermented vegetables to ensure good gut health; they're called “probiotic” because they are “for life.”

3. Adopt healthy and happy thoughts.

Those who approached the Oracle at Delphi were encouraged to have “good thoughts”. An excess of unhappy thoughts can cause an imbalance in the body and lead to many illnesses. Inner balance and agapi cannot coexist with worry, stress, anger, frustration, fear, anxiety and competitiveness. These feelings or experiences do not create good feelings or good energy when cooking, eating or for our health. Ultimately, we are responsible for our health and well-being, so it's important to substitute fear with faith.

4. Moderate exercise.

According to Hippocrates, “If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.” Incorporate at least half an hour exercise each day for good health and vitality. Exercise is also a great way to reduce stress and to lower blood pressure.

5. Eat with peace and calm.

Another important eating practice for good health and longevity is to eat with peace, calm and joy. It is important not to rush meal times. In Greece, people leave their work for lunch to go home and to enjoy the meal with their families and friends. When we rush our eating time it interrupts the harmony, the flow of energy and the time needed to enjoy a meal that in the end will nourish and heal our body and soul.

To ensure a long, healthy life we all need to eat mindfully and to become aware of the food w eat. We also need to take note of how the food we are eating affects the way we feel. Eat for the purpose of nourishing, and eat clean ingredients free of chemicals and pesticides — just like they did in ancient Greece. Do things in life that make you happy to ensure a healthy, happy mind and thoughts; and, of course, get some moderate exercise daily.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


by Dr F Amelia Sam

Dysfunctional relationships are everywhere. It really shouldn’t be surprising with all the distorted depictions of love and relationships we see daily. Whether it’s reality TV or one of our dear but misguided friends, there's no shortage of unhealthy interactions to witness.

Perhaps one of the problems is with our personal constructs of what love entails. There are many beliefs we adopt as truth, but haven’t taken the time to examine more closely.

Here are a few of the widespread myths that may be holding you back from having more healthy relationships.

1. Love hurts.

This is a dangerous one to believe. As a result, some will endure and defend the worst behavior possible. Be it physical or emotional, blindly believing this untruth can lead to unnecessary and unfortunate drama. Love is supportive, not destructive. Sure, the loss of love hurts, but love itself does not. Real love heals.

2. Jealousy shows passion.

Obviously, no one wants a partner who is completely disinterested in the integrity of the relationship. However, there’s a whole spectrum between jealous rage and a partner who couldn’t care less. A significant other who stays in the danger zone of jealousy is probably more interested in ownership, not passion.

3. Love is sacrifice.

To some extent, this may be true. However, the question is: What are you sacrificing? In a relationship, you may sacrifice some preferences for the sake of compromise and peace. The line is crossed when you start sacrificing your values. Make the distinction between preferences and values. You never have to compromise the truth of who you are — even for love.

4. You’ll know.

There are a few people who will have the “love at first sight” experience. However, just because that initial insight isn’t there doesn’t mean it never will be. There is something to be said for chemistry, but many relationships grow at a slower pace.

Keep in mind that your vision may be temporarily clouded by other circumstances. Misinformation, ridiculous expectations, or past heartbreak taint your perspective. Until those issues are dealt with, your judgEment will be off. Sometimes, you just don’t know until you do.

5. Love will complete you.

This has to be the biggest myth of all. A relationship should never be your missing piece, and if you believe it is, there’s something else you need to cultivate as an individual. If your loved one is no longer in your life, where does that leave you?

An ideal, mature relationship involves two whole people coming together. Your partner may complement you, but it isn't their responsibility to complete you. That’s your job. Remember, if they bring it to you, they can take it away.

The way we navigate life and love is dependent on the narratives we tell ourselves. We often refine our definitions on the experiences we have, but sometimes we get stuck. Make sure that your perspective has been chosen consciously. Otherwise, the myths will continue to direct the quality of relationships you have. Love wisely.

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