Friday, January 31, 2014
Thursday, January 30, 2014
PINTU boleh dibuka dan ditutup. Bila membuka pintu kerana mahu meninggalkan rumah, mata menoleh ke belakang berniat mahu memastikan ia terkunci. Malah beberapa kali kita mencuba semula sama ada ia masih boleh dibuka. Aneh, meskipun baru sekejap tadi kita tahu bahawa anak kunci rumah baru dicabut.
Pintu mahu dikatup, rumah mahu dikunci. Barangkali ada sesuatu di dalam rumah menyebabkan kita mahu ia selamat. Ada ketika kita masih terfikir 'berkuncikah rumah'?.
Perasaan was-was muncul dan boleh menimbulkan kebimbangan yang tidak sepatutnya. Bila pulang kita mencari-cari anak kunci daripada gugusan yang ada. ada masanya sekali pilih tetapi acap kali berulangkali.
Dan selama bertahun-tahun ia begitu.
Ramai yang tidak mahu belajar bagaimana mahu membuka pintu dengan sekali memilih anak kunci. Ia kelihatan tidak terlalu mustahak kerana akhirnya pintu akan terbuka.
Selain itu, ada masanya kita melihat pencarian anak kunci ini sebagai satu rutin yang mahu dilalui tanpa sebab. Barangkali kerana rutinnya semenjak kita memegang anak kunci tersebut.
Pintu dan rumah tersebut milik kita. Ada perjanjian dan hak milik. Sekurang-kurangnya ketika hayat di dunia. Namun sampai masa , apabila roh dan jasad bersatu kembali setelah berpisah dan mencari-cari rumah baru tetapi terhalang. Ia bukan rumah biasa yang dikenali.
Hanya ada rumah kekal abadi namun kuncinya tiada di tanga. Tuan rumah menyebut melalui surah al-A'raaf ayat 40 yang bermaksud:
"Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang mendustakan ayat-ayat (perintah) Kami dan yang angkuh (merasa dirinya lebih) daripada mematuhinya, tidak sekali-kali akan dibukakan pintu -pintu langit dan mereka tidak akan masuk syurga sehingga unta masuk di lubang jarum dan demikianlah Kami membalas orang-oang yang melakukan kesalahan."
Rumah kekal abadi sudah tersedia.
Kuncinya perlu dicari. Ia ada dalam diri. Namun manusia tidak mahu belajar seumpama mencari satu anak kunci daripada segugus yang banyak.
Sikap Manusia
Hakikatnya, pintu rumah yang kekal abadi sudah tersedia dan ia dinyatakan oleh Allah SWT melalui surah Shaad, ayat 49-50 yang bermaksud:
"Ini adalah kehormatan bagi mereka dan sesungguhnya bagi orang bertakwa benar-beanr (disediakan) tempat kembali yang baik (iaitu) syurga dan yang pintu-pintunya terbuka bagi mereka."
Rumah terdapat dalam pelbagai bentuk. Pintu yang terpasang pada ruanganya sepadan dengan rumah yang dibina. Ada pintu cermin, kayu jati, aluminium dan pelbagai lagi. Ia mengikut kemampuan tuan punya rumah. Namun fungsi pintu tetap seragam iaitu untuk keluar masuk.
Jika rumah itu ibarat diri, maka melalui pintu itulah diri mampu melihat dari dalam dan luar. Namun, melihat sahaja tidak mencukupi. Ia perlu dikatup kemas bila mahu meningalkan rumah dan mudah dibuka apabila pulang semula.
Tidak. Kita tidak mahu menunggu unta memasuki lubang jarum untuk dibenarkan kembali ke rumah yang kekal abadi. Ia sindirian daripada Allah SWT yang sangat menyesakkan dada bagi mereka yang mahu berfikir. Malah sikap angkuh dan sombong manusia di dunia bakal menjadikan mereka begitu.
Hakikatnya, pencarian kunci kepada rumah kekal abadi tidaklah terlalu sukar. Kaedahnya telah dinyatakan secara jelas. Misalnya, jika kita teragak untuk mendiami rumah di syurga Firdaus, Allah SWT telah memberi garis panduannya melalui surah al-Mu'minun ayat 1 hingga 11 yang bermaksud:
"Sesungguhnya berjayalah orang-orang yang beriman. Iaitu mereka yang khusyuk dalam sembahyangnya. Dan mereka yang menjauhkan diri dari perbuatan dan perkataan yang isa-sia. Dan mereka yang berusaha membersih hartanya (dengan menunaikan zakat harta itu) dan mereka yang menjaga kehormatannya. Kecuali kepada isterinya atau hamba sahayanya maka sesunguhnya mereka tidak tercela. Kemudian sesiapa yang mengingini selain dari yang demikian, maka merekalah orang-orang yang melampaui batas."
"Dan mereka yang menjaga amanah dan janjinya. Dan mereka yang tetap memelihara sembahyangnya. Mereka itulah orang-orang yang berhak mewarisi. Mereka akan mewarisi syurga Firdaus; mereka kekal di dalamnya."
Bayangan keadaan rumah di sini sungguh mempesonakan. Misalya, ia telah dinyatakan terdapat sungai-sungai yang mengalir di bawahnya.
Sesungguhnya setiap kali kita diberikan satu pemberian dari sejenis buah-buahan, maka kita akan berkata, "inilah yang telah diberikan pada kami dahulu dan kami diberikan rezeki yang sama rupanya (tetapi berlainan hakikatnya)".
Malah pasangan kita di rumah yang kekal abadi yang sentiasa bersih suci serta tidak sekali-kali mempunyai perasaan cemburu, khianat dan dengki. Ia kehidupan yang kekal selama-lamanya.
Begitulah. Kunci rumah di sana hanyalah bayangan semata.Ia tidak perlu dipegang daripada segugus kunci yang banyak.
Kita tidak perlu menoleh ke belakang setiap kali meninggalkan rumah tersebut. Saya fikir ia sentiasa terbuka dan terdedah dengan tiada sesiapa yang memperdulikan . Masing-masing sudah mempunyai rumah sendiri yang terbaik.
Jumpa lagi minggu hadapan. Moga damai di hati.
Ustaz Muhd Kamil adalah Profesor Perakaunan di Universiti Taibah, Madinah. Beliau merupakan penulis buku Travelog haji: Mengubah Sempadan Iman; Bersyukur Saat Diuji dan anekdot Madinah; Benar, Dia Maha mendengar. Beliau boleh dihubungi melalui laman web atau
Diuretic foods are one of the best solutions for dealing with hypertension and water retention. People who are on a weight-loss regimen often make use of diuretic foods to get rid of unwanted fluids and to lower their body weight. Some people take diuretic pills to get their job done.
However, rather than resorting to unwanted medication it is safer to start a diet that includes some special fruits and vegetables that are natural diuretics.
Listed below are some of the most effective natural diuretic foods that can assist in lowering high blood pressure and in reducing excess water weight.
However, rather than resorting to unwanted medication it is safer to start a diet that includes some special fruits and vegetables that are natural diuretics.
Listed below are some of the most effective natural diuretic foods that can assist in lowering high blood pressure and in reducing excess water weight.
1. Lemon
Lemon has innumerable health benefits and it is used for curing a wide range of conditions.
• Lemon juice can help in lowering high blood pressure
• Lemon juice also helps in curing urinary tract infection.
• Lemon juice can be taken with water or it can be mixed with your food.
• Lemon juice can help in lowering high blood pressure
• Lemon juice also helps in curing urinary tract infection.
• Lemon juice can be taken with water or it can be mixed with your food.
2. Oats
• Oats has always been a great food for those who are on a weight-loss regimen. However, most of us are unaware about the diuretic properties of oats.
• Yet another popular benefit of eating oats is its ability to lower blood cholesterol.
• Yet another popular benefit of eating oats is its ability to lower blood cholesterol.
3. Celery
Celery is a nutritious food that contains lot of water. It helps in hydrating your entire system. If you do not prefer the taste of celery, you can mix it with a smoothie health drink made of fruits and vegetables.
4. Brussels Sprouts
• Brussels sprouts are an excellent source of antioxidants that help the body in fighting with a wide range of disorders.
• Brussels are one of the best low-calorie foods that can help you in reducing weight. If you cannot stand its taste, try to cook it with other foodstuffs.
• Brussels are one of the best low-calorie foods that can help you in reducing weight. If you cannot stand its taste, try to cook it with other foodstuffs.
5. Ginger
• Ginger has several health benefits but you cannot take it as it is. Hence, you can mix it up with your favorite cuisine as an alternative form of spicing.
• Ginger can also be added to tea or water.
• Ginger helps is detoxifying your body
• It also acts as an effective diuretic and helps in flushing out all the excess fluids.
• Ginger can also be added to tea or water.
• Ginger helps is detoxifying your body
• It also acts as an effective diuretic and helps in flushing out all the excess fluids.
6. Beets
• Beet is a nutritious vegetable that acts as a diuretic
• Beet contains a rare antioxidant known as betalain.
• The best type of beets are the fresh ones that can be boiled, grilled or steamed. Always opt for fresh beets rather than pickled beets.
• Beet contains a rare antioxidant known as betalain.
• The best type of beets are the fresh ones that can be boiled, grilled or steamed. Always opt for fresh beets rather than pickled beets.
7. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is full of essential ingredients that have several health benefits.
• It helps in strengthening urinary functions by acting as a strong diuretic that cleanses the urinary system
• It also helps in improving the process of digestion.
• Although apple cider vinegar is used for cooking, if you are looking for a diuretic then it would be better to take it along with water. Note that you only need to take it in small proportions.
8. Cabbage
• It helps in strengthening urinary functions by acting as a strong diuretic that cleanses the urinary system
• It also helps in improving the process of digestion.
• Although apple cider vinegar is used for cooking, if you are looking for a diuretic then it would be better to take it along with water. Note that you only need to take it in small proportions.
8. Cabbage
Cabbage is a highly beneficial vegetable that functions as a diuretic.
• Researchers have proved its effectiveness in preventing cancerous growths
• It also prevents the occurrence of heart disease.
• You can either make it into a soup or have it well cooked before eating.
• Note that, if you are taking cabbage as a diuretic, avoid adding too much of salt.
• Researchers have proved its effectiveness in preventing cancerous growths
• It also prevents the occurrence of heart disease.
• You can either make it into a soup or have it well cooked before eating.
• Note that, if you are taking cabbage as a diuretic, avoid adding too much of salt.
9. Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice is an excellent diuretic food that helps in curing urinary tract infections.
• Cranberry juice contains antioxidants that destroy the free radicals.
• It helps in maintaining a good potassium level.
• For making cranberry juice, select only organic cranberries. Organic cranberries are free from chemicals and inorganic preservatives. Do not opt for processed berries or processed cranberry juice.
• Cranberry juice contains antioxidants that destroy the free radicals.
• It helps in maintaining a good potassium level.
• For making cranberry juice, select only organic cranberries. Organic cranberries are free from chemicals and inorganic preservatives. Do not opt for processed berries or processed cranberry juice.
10. Eggplant
• Eggplant is a diuretic food that helps in reducing the excess fluids trapped in your body.
• Some people use it as a weight-loss remedy. They boil the eggplant along with water and then consume the water that contains the essence of eggplant.
• Some people use it as a weight-loss remedy. They boil the eggplant along with water and then consume the water that contains the essence of eggplant.
11. Parsley
Parsley has innumerable health benefits that can help you in improving your overall health.
• Parsley is an excellent diuretic
• It contains a wide range of antioxidants
• You can take parsley as an additive to your foodstuffs and cuisines. The herb has a refreshing effect when mixed with other foods. You can also take water boiled with parsley.
12. Caffeinated Beverages
Caffeinated beverages like tea and coffee acts as a good diuretic. However, these items contain caffeine which is harmful to your body. This makes it a poor choice when it comes to natural diuretic foods.
13. Water
Water helps in flushing out all the retained fluids in your body.
• In case of low water intake your body tries to conserve the water by retaining it in its cells. This causes water retention and swelling. If you are supplying enough water to your body, it will automatically quit the habit of retaining its fluids.
• You can add lemon or ginger to your water in order to increase its diuretic effect.
• In case of low water intake your body tries to conserve the water by retaining it in its cells. This causes water retention and swelling. If you are supplying enough water to your body, it will automatically quit the habit of retaining its fluids.
• You can add lemon or ginger to your water in order to increase its diuretic effect.
14. Tomatoes
Tomatoes act as a diuretic when taken in their raw form.
• You can make a salad out of tomatoes or make a drink of it by mixing its juice with that of more delicious items like watermelon or carrot.
• Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a form of antioxidant that helps in preventing cancer as well as heart disease.
• You can make a salad out of tomatoes or make a drink of it by mixing its juice with that of more delicious items like watermelon or carrot.
• Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a form of antioxidant that helps in preventing cancer as well as heart disease.
15. Cucumber
• Cucumber is a highly hydrating vegetable that contains lots of water.
• Cucumber helps in detoxification of our system.
• It improves the functioning of urinary system
• It helps the body in fighting with diabetes
• It helps in better weight management
• Cucumber is rich in antioxidants and thus helps in preventing cancer.
• It contains lot of minerals that makes us more energetic.
• Cucumber helps in detoxification of our system.
• It improves the functioning of urinary system
• It helps the body in fighting with diabetes
• It helps in better weight management
• Cucumber is rich in antioxidants and thus helps in preventing cancer.
• It contains lot of minerals that makes us more energetic.
16. Watermelon
• Watermelon is a highly beneficial fruit that contains lot of fluids. It acts as a diuretic and helps the body in eliminating excess liquids and salt.
• It is rich in antioxidants.
• Note that watermelon is quite sweet and too much of it can raise your blood sugar levels.
• It is rich in antioxidants.
• Note that watermelon is quite sweet and too much of it can raise your blood sugar levels.
17. Carrots
• Carrots are highly beneficial for your eyes. They have several health benefits and they also function as a diuretic.
• Different types of carrots are available in the market. Baby carrots are best eaten raw. They are often used for making salads. Regular carrots are usually used for cooking purposes.
• Carrots do not lose their nutrients when they are cooked. Hence, you need not worry about eating them raw.
• Different types of carrots are available in the market. Baby carrots are best eaten raw. They are often used for making salads. Regular carrots are usually used for cooking purposes.
• Carrots do not lose their nutrients when they are cooked. Hence, you need not worry about eating them raw.
18. Garlic
• Garlic is an excellent detoxifying agent and they also function as an effective diuretic.
• Garlic comes in pill form; however, if you need to use it as diuretic it would be better to eat real garlic instead of taking its supplements.
• If you are not able to eat raw garlic, you can use it as an additive while cooking.
• Garlic comes in pill form; however, if you need to use it as diuretic it would be better to eat real garlic instead of taking its supplements.
• If you are not able to eat raw garlic, you can use it as an additive while cooking.
19. Artichokes
• Artichokes are an excellent form of diuretic that helps in reducing weight.
• They also act as a digestive aid.
• They are full of minerals and vitamins. Taking artichokes can help you to deal with various deficiencies.
• They also act as a digestive aid.
• They are full of minerals and vitamins. Taking artichokes can help you to deal with various deficiencies.
20. Asparagus
• Asparagus is a highly nourishing food that also acts as a natural diuretic.
• While taking asparagus, its compounds react with urine and give rise to a typical smell. This is quite natural and there is no harm in it.
• Asparagus is rich in antioxidants and regular consumption of this vegetable can offer several benefits.
• While taking asparagus, its compounds react with urine and give rise to a typical smell. This is quite natural and there is no harm in it.
• Asparagus is rich in antioxidants and regular consumption of this vegetable can offer several benefits.
bY : Ragam |
Selama 25 tahun terakhir wanita Jepun telah memegang rekod dunia memiliki harapan hidup terpanjang dengan rata-rata usia 86,4 tahun. Bukan hanya wanita, lelaki Jepun juga memiliki harapan hidup terpanjang di antara semua lelaki di 192 negara di dunia. Banyak penelitian mengungkap, perbedaan ini disebabkan pola makan yang sihat.
Dalam bukunya, seorang penulis Naomi Moriyama membuat buku berjudul 'Japanese Women Don’t Get Old or Fat', Moriyama membawa pembaca ke dapur ibunya di Jepun dan mengungkapkan rahsia keluarganya untuk hidup panjang umur dan tetap sihat hingga masa tua. Ternyata rahsia awet muda masyarakat Jepun cukup sederhana, selain tetap aktif dan rajin berolahraga. Intip raasianya seperti dikutip laman Diets In Review berikut ini.
1.Makan makanan lengkap bervariasi
Bahan makanan di dapur masyarakat Jepun adalah berbagai makanan yang dimakan sederhana secara konsisten dan harian. Semua bahan makanan itu bukanlah bahan makanan mahal, namun mengandung tinggi nutrisi yang sangat diperlukan tubuh. Rata-rata masyarakat Jepun rajin makan ikan, sayuran laut, sayur mayur, kedelai, beras, buah dan teh hijau.
2. Orang Jepun menikmati makanan di rumah yang dimasak sendiri setiap hari
Hidangan makanan tradisional Jepun biasanya terdiri dari ikan bakar, semangkuk nasi, sayuran yang direbus, sup miso, irisan buah untuk makanan penutup dan teh hijau. Orang Jepun merupakan pengonsumsi ikan tertinggi di dunia. Mereka mengonsumsi £ 150 ikan (68,04 kg) per tahun/ orang dibandingkan dengan rata-rata orang dunia hanya 35 kilogram per tahun. Seperti diketahui ikan mengandung dos tinggi omega-3 asam lemak. Ini juga menjadi salah satu alasan mengapa mereka hidup lebih lama dan sihat. Tidak hanya Itu, fakta lain menyatakan, mereka juga rajin mengonsumsi brokoli dan sayuran lainnya. Mereka makan 5 kali lebih banyak jumlah sayuran seperti brokoli, kubis, kale, kembang kol dan kubis Brussel, dibanding dengan orang Amerika.
3. Orang Jepun hanya memasak makanan yang segar
Penekanan cara memasak orang Jepun, hanya menggunakan bahan yang segar yang ada di musim itu. Menurut penulis Moriyama, "supermarket Jepun selalu mengutamakan kesegaran. Makanan tidak hanya diperhatikan tarikh luputnya saja, tapi wanita Jepang rata-rata juga selektif saat membeli ikan, daging, sayuran. Makanan yang disiapkan dihitung per setengah jam yang dikemas hari itu. "
4. Orang Jepun makan dengan julah yang kecil
Menurut Moriyama, dari masa kanak-kanak mereka diajarkan untuk makan perlahan-lahan dan belajar menikmati setiap gigitan. Dan makanan yang disajikan di atas piring hanya sepertiga ukuran peralatan makan Amerika. Moriyama mengatakan, ada tata cara dan dasar-dasar cara menyajikan hidangan makanan di Jepun.
"Makanan harus segar, setiap item disajikan dalam satu piring, makanan harus dihias dan setiap item harus diatur untuk menampilkan keindahan," katanya.
5.Teknik memasak di Jepun cukup ringan dan lembut
Sebagian besar pekerjaan dilakukan di atas dapur menggunakan variasi teknik seperti mengukus, memanggang di atas periuk panas, menumis, digoreng, dan mendidihkan makanan secara cepat dalam kuali. Tukang masak Jepub selalu menggunakan minyak khusus untuk jantung sehat dan stok (sup) rasa asli dari bahan alami.
6. Orang Jepun makan nasi bukan roti setiap makan
Ini merupakan perbezaan penting antaracara makan orang Timur dan Barat. Mereka yakin, konsumsi berlebih dari tepung terigu halus merupakan penyebab utama dari obesitas di Amerika saat ini. Jika Anda terbiasa makan roti setiap hari, cuba ganti dengan ukuran porsi setengah cangkir beras merah atau gandum 1-2 kali per hari.
7. Di Jepun, sarapan adalah makan yang paling dianggap penting dan terbesar
Sarapan mereka terdiri dari berbagai makanan porsi kecil yang meliputi teh hijau, nasi kukus, sup miso dengan tahu dan daun bawang, lembaran kecil rumput laut nori, telur dadar atau telur ikan atau sepotong ikan.
8. Masyarakat Jepun hanya mengambil sedikit pencuci mulut
Di Jepun, makanan penutup dengan rasa manis hanya disajikan dalam porsi kecil, tidak seperti di Amerika. Namun, bukan berarti coklat, kueh kering, kueh-kueh, ais krim dan kueh kacang merah tidak berharga. Sebaliknya, mereka sangat menghormati tubuh mereka, ini boleh menjadi cara melawan hawa nafsu. Mereka sedar akan rugi jika terlalu banyak mengambil makanan manis.
9. Orang Jepun memiliki mind-set yang berbeza tentang makanan.
Sementara orang Amerika prihatin dengan masalah diet dan berat badan, masyarakat Jepun justru dibangkitkan dan didorong untuk menikmati berbagai makanan yang lebih beragam tanpa masalah diet. Namun, saat ini masyarakat Jepun mula berhati-hati, apalagi dengan diperkenalkan gaya makan cepat ala barat, tingkat obesiti di kalangan anak muda Jepun mulai meningkat.
10. Olahraga merupakan bagian dari ritual harian Jepun.
Menurut sebuah cerita dalam cover majalah Time tahun 2004, berjudul 'How to Live to Be 100' tertulis bahwa, "Jepun berada dalam kesihatan yang baik dan dalam kondisi sangat baik, mereka adalah orang-orang aktif yang menggabungkan banyak latihan insidental dalam hari-hari mereka." Mereka selalu menciptakan lingkungan yang sihat dengan berbasikal di sekitar kota, berjalan, hiking, dan umumnya, mereka berusaha tetap aktif.
BY LegamManshuriJawai TRIK GRATISAN
Ini adalah rahsia terbesar resepi awet muda dan dijamin 100% berhasil jika rutin dengan teratur.Walau diberi usia panjang,maka tak mudah rapuh,tetap sehat,tampak berseri2, Kuat jasmani dan rohani tanpa dihinggapi berbagai penyakit rohani seperti lemah ingatan dll,serta penyakit jasmani yaitu berbagai jenis penyakit tersohor.
Caranya sangat mudah, tapi pasti cukup berat untuk dilakukan. Inilah tata cara agar tetap sihat,awet muda dan kuat jasmani dan rohani sampai tua renta:
Biasakanlah menyiapkan air putih 1 gelas malam hari dan diminum saat bangun tidur sampai habis. Karena air putih baik buat kesihatan. Lakukan mandi fajar secara rutin yaitu mandi pagi jam 4 dini hari. Olahraga yg teratur minimal 10 minit setiap pagi.Makan teratur dan jangan terlalu kenyang! Bergizi cukup dan hindari makanan pedas,berminyak, berbau tajam{ikan asin} busuk{asinan}dan ada pengawet.Kurangi garam serta penyedap serta perbanyak sayur&buah. Kurangi hubungan seks suami-istri maksimal 3 kali saja seminggu. Tidur cukup dan teratur minimal 6 jam.Jangan terlalu banyak memikir atau susah pikiran, rekreasi dan kerja teratur dgn tanpa memaksa/memerah tenaga.Hilangkan sifat pemarah dan pemurung.
Shalatlah 5 waktu dan usai shalat biasakan membaca raja tasbih{subhanallah walhamdulillah wala ilaa ha illallah wallahu akbar} 300X,karena khasiatnya untuk panjang umur dan tetap kuat serta bebas dari lemah pemikiran (nyanyuk). Bacalah doa Nurun nubuwah{silakan cari di buku mujarobat}setiap malam minggu,karena khasiatnya bikin awet muda.Dan terakhir, biasakan untuk berfikir jernih,tenang,dan minum susu setiap pagi setelah sarapan dan malam sebelum tidur 1 gelas.
Nowadays most people lead hectic lifestyles. For that, there is a considerable amount of stress faced by most people in their lives. It is known that stress does not produce good effects on the health. If one faces stress for a long period of time it can cause negative effects on the body, behavior and moods. It can also adversely affect short term as well as long term physical problems such as learning abilities, impaired memory, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and a compromised immune system. There are many ways to reduce stress such as taking up yoga, exercise and even the right food in order to counteract stress.
Top 15 Super Foods to Fight Stress
1. Green Tea
Green tea has many helpful properties which can help to reduce stress and calm the mind.
• Green tea contains powerful antioxidants such as flavonoids, polyphenols catechins among others
• These antioxidants help to create a positive mod
• They can bring on a calming effect on the mind and body
If one is undergoing a stressful situation, it is best to opt for several cups of green tea during the day. It is also preferable to opt for black tea as well. Both types of tea are known to have beneficial plant compounds that can help to counteract the effects of stress on our lives.
1. Green Tea
Green tea has many helpful properties which can help to reduce stress and calm the mind.
• Green tea contains powerful antioxidants such as flavonoids, polyphenols catechins among others
• These antioxidants help to create a positive mod
• They can bring on a calming effect on the mind and body
If one is undergoing a stressful situation, it is best to opt for several cups of green tea during the day. It is also preferable to opt for black tea as well. Both types of tea are known to have beneficial plant compounds that can help to counteract the effects of stress on our lives.
2. Blueberries
Blueberries have many benefits and most of them also prove effective towards handling stress.
• Blueberries are packed with antioxidants which can help to reduce the stress levels
• The vitamins C and E that these berries contain as well as minerals like manganese and magnesium are helpful when it comes to handling the effects of stress
• If the blueberries are consumed regularly you will be able to handle insomnia, mood disorders and depression.
This fruit is beneficial in many ways. One can even use these berries to make shakes and desserts of they are trying to lose weight.
Blueberries have many benefits and most of them also prove effective towards handling stress.
• Blueberries are packed with antioxidants which can help to reduce the stress levels
• The vitamins C and E that these berries contain as well as minerals like manganese and magnesium are helpful when it comes to handling the effects of stress
• If the blueberries are consumed regularly you will be able to handle insomnia, mood disorders and depression.
This fruit is beneficial in many ways. One can even use these berries to make shakes and desserts of they are trying to lose weight.
3. Milk
You might have scoffed at your mom when she told you to drink milk regularly, but research shows that milk intake on a regular basis can help to counteract stress.
• Even a glass of skim milk has good amount of antioxidants
• There are essential vitamins and minerals like vitamins A, D as well as calcium and protein
• Free radicals that are released when one is stressed are fought by such nutrients
• One will surely feel calmer when one drinks a glass of milk.
Indeed, a great way to start the day is to have a bowl of whole grain cereal along with skim milk. One could also opt for other milk based products like yogurt or cottage cheese.
You might have scoffed at your mom when she told you to drink milk regularly, but research shows that milk intake on a regular basis can help to counteract stress.
• Even a glass of skim milk has good amount of antioxidants
• There are essential vitamins and minerals like vitamins A, D as well as calcium and protein
• Free radicals that are released when one is stressed are fought by such nutrients
• One will surely feel calmer when one drinks a glass of milk.
Indeed, a great way to start the day is to have a bowl of whole grain cereal along with skim milk. One could also opt for other milk based products like yogurt or cottage cheese.
4. Spinach
This green vegetable offers many nutritional benefits that help to counter stress.
• It is a rich source of vitamins C, A and B complex.
• There are any minerals included here like potassium, calcium, phosphorous and magnesium.
If one consumes a cup of spinach daily they will surely feel the relaxing effect of the vegetable on themselves. One can add the vegetable in their wraps, sandwiches as well as in omelets or salads. The vegetable is known to have other beneficial nutritional properties for which the immune system is also well fortified by its regular consumption.
This green vegetable offers many nutritional benefits that help to counter stress.
• It is a rich source of vitamins C, A and B complex.
• There are any minerals included here like potassium, calcium, phosphorous and magnesium.
If one consumes a cup of spinach daily they will surely feel the relaxing effect of the vegetable on themselves. One can add the vegetable in their wraps, sandwiches as well as in omelets or salads. The vegetable is known to have other beneficial nutritional properties for which the immune system is also well fortified by its regular consumption.
5. Almonds
Almonds among nuts are great snack options when one is stressed.
• The nuts are high in vitamins like B and E
• The minerals that it contains are healthy oils, zinc and magnesium
• It is a great form of fiber
One can consume the nuts in their raw or the roasted form. The nuts are frequently added in baked items and desserts. Not only are the stress hormones reduced, blood pressure is reduced and energy levels boosted when one takes up a handful of almonds every so often.
Almonds among nuts are great snack options when one is stressed.
• The nuts are high in vitamins like B and E
• The minerals that it contains are healthy oils, zinc and magnesium
• It is a great form of fiber
One can consume the nuts in their raw or the roasted form. The nuts are frequently added in baked items and desserts. Not only are the stress hormones reduced, blood pressure is reduced and energy levels boosted when one takes up a handful of almonds every so often.
6. Dark Chocolate
A favorite stress buster for many people is dark chocolate. Not only will chocolate lovers be relieved to hear this, they will also be able to enjoy it as it does not interfere with weight loss measures.
• Dark chocolate contains magnesium which helps to fight stress, fatigue, irritability and depression
• Dark chocolates can help to boost our moods and reduce our stress levels
• One could even try a warm glass of chocolate milk or any dessert with dark chocolate as a way to fight stress.
An ounce and a half of dark chocolate can be consumed for its stress fighting benefits.
A favorite stress buster for many people is dark chocolate. Not only will chocolate lovers be relieved to hear this, they will also be able to enjoy it as it does not interfere with weight loss measures.
• Dark chocolate contains magnesium which helps to fight stress, fatigue, irritability and depression
• Dark chocolates can help to boost our moods and reduce our stress levels
• One could even try a warm glass of chocolate milk or any dessert with dark chocolate as a way to fight stress.
An ounce and a half of dark chocolate can be consumed for its stress fighting benefits.
7. Salmon
It is known that fish is good for health especially cold water fishes like salmon. It is also good to bust stress causing hormones.
• It contains good amount of omega-3 fatty acids
• These help to control inflammations
• Happy brain chemicals are boosted by theses fatty acids
• The brain cells can function more efficiently
It is suggested that two or three servings of salmon every week is good for stress as well as for the brain. One could also try other oily fishes like sardines, mackerel and tuna.
It is known that fish is good for health especially cold water fishes like salmon. It is also good to bust stress causing hormones.
• It contains good amount of omega-3 fatty acids
• These help to control inflammations
• Happy brain chemicals are boosted by theses fatty acids
• The brain cells can function more efficiently
It is suggested that two or three servings of salmon every week is good for stress as well as for the brain. One could also try other oily fishes like sardines, mackerel and tuna.
8. Oranges
Oranges are not only great for your overall health but they also have unique stress fighting properties.
• Oranges are rich in vitamin C which can help boost the immunity levels
• It is rich in antioxidants which can help fight free radicals
• The free radicals that are released when one is stressed are fought by oranges
• Vitamins A and B as well as other minerals help to promote overall good health.
If one consumes a glass of fresh orange juice daily they will not only be boosting their good health levels but also fight stress and feel good.
Oranges are not only great for your overall health but they also have unique stress fighting properties.
• Oranges are rich in vitamin C which can help boost the immunity levels
• It is rich in antioxidants which can help fight free radicals
• The free radicals that are released when one is stressed are fought by oranges
• Vitamins A and B as well as other minerals help to promote overall good health.
If one consumes a glass of fresh orange juice daily they will not only be boosting their good health levels but also fight stress and feel good.
9. Brown Rice
Brown rice has many properties which can help to keep the body healthy as well as keep stress at bay.
• The vitamins that it contains helps many kinds of biochemical reactions like keeping the red blood cells, brain function and cardiac functions in order
• There is less stress in one’s life and one is less prone to suffer from mood disorders.
Brown rice has many properties which can help to keep the body healthy as well as keep stress at bay.
• The vitamins that it contains helps many kinds of biochemical reactions like keeping the red blood cells, brain function and cardiac functions in order
• There is less stress in one’s life and one is less prone to suffer from mood disorders.
If one consumes brown rice products they will be able to contain their irritability and moodiness well.
10. Avocado.
Avocado consists of many vital nutrients which help one to fight stress.
• It consists of protein, minerals and vitamin C and E
• There is high amount of fiber, healthy fats and potassium
• Such nutrients help to keep the nerve cells and the brain cells healthy
• If one consumes a fresh avocado they will soon see their stress hormones reducing and blood pressure remaining under control.
While one can consume the fruit as part of bakery goods, smoothies and other packaged products, it is best to consume the fruit in its fresh form.
Avocado consists of many vital nutrients which help one to fight stress.
• It consists of protein, minerals and vitamin C and E
• There is high amount of fiber, healthy fats and potassium
• Such nutrients help to keep the nerve cells and the brain cells healthy
• If one consumes a fresh avocado they will soon see their stress hormones reducing and blood pressure remaining under control.
While one can consume the fruit as part of bakery goods, smoothies and other packaged products, it is best to consume the fruit in its fresh form.
11. Walnuts.
Walnuts have unique properties for which it is recommended to those who lead stressful lives.
• It helps to lower blood pressure
• The spike in blood pressure related to stress is controlled.
The food experts recommend that one should consume one and a half ounces of walnuts in order to reduce blood pressure as well as keep the heart healthy.
Walnuts have unique properties for which it is recommended to those who lead stressful lives.
• It helps to lower blood pressure
• The spike in blood pressure related to stress is controlled.
The food experts recommend that one should consume one and a half ounces of walnuts in order to reduce blood pressure as well as keep the heart healthy.
12. Vitamin B6.
One should consume foods that are rich in the vitamin B6 as it has many benefits for those who lead stressful lives.
• This vitamin helps to produce serotonin hormone
• This in turn has calming and healing feelings
The foods that are rich in B6 vitamins are:
• Banana
• Sunflower seeds
• Turkey
• Salmon
• Sweet potatoes
• Tuna
These health foods can be incorporated as healthy snack options in order to keep hunger as well as stress at bay.
One should consume foods that are rich in the vitamin B6 as it has many benefits for those who lead stressful lives.
• This vitamin helps to produce serotonin hormone
• This in turn has calming and healing feelings
The foods that are rich in B6 vitamins are:
• Banana
• Sunflower seeds
• Turkey
• Salmon
• Sweet potatoes
• Tuna
These health foods can be incorporated as healthy snack options in order to keep hunger as well as stress at bay.
13. Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds are another small but important food source for countering stress levels.
• These seeds contain high amount of folate which helps the body to release feel good hormones.
• The chemicals in the sunflower seeds help one to control their emotional responses.
Sunflower seeds are another small but important food source for countering stress levels.
• These seeds contain high amount of folate which helps the body to release feel good hormones.
• The chemicals in the sunflower seeds help one to control their emotional responses.
14. Fresh Fruits And Vegetables
It is important that one remembers their daily requirements of fresh fruits and vegetables which can work as stress busters as well.
• Fruits like citrus fruits help one to feel refreshed and in good mood.
• Green vegetables like spinach help one to fight the anxiety causing hormones and to lower blood pressure levels.
It is important that one remembers their daily requirements of fresh fruits and vegetables which can work as stress busters as well.
• Fruits like citrus fruits help one to feel refreshed and in good mood.
• Green vegetables like spinach help one to fight the anxiety causing hormones and to lower blood pressure levels.
15. Whole Grains
Carbohydrates are known to have calming effects and if one chooses to have complex carbs it will provide better health benefits.
• Carbohydrates are known to release serotonin which calms the nerves.
• The right kind of carbohydrates can help one to gain stress busting effects without adding on unnecessary calories to the system.
If one chooses to have wild rice, oatmeal or popped popcorn they will be able to keep the blood sugar levels steady and allow one to feel full for a longer period of time.
Carbohydrates are known to have calming effects and if one chooses to have complex carbs it will provide better health benefits.
• Carbohydrates are known to release serotonin which calms the nerves.
• The right kind of carbohydrates can help one to gain stress busting effects without adding on unnecessary calories to the system.
If one chooses to have wild rice, oatmeal or popped popcorn they will be able to keep the blood sugar levels steady and allow one to feel full for a longer period of time.
Feeling the effects of stress on your health?
Are you unable to reduce the negative effects through relaxation techniques? You need to change your diet accordingly to see positive effects of the stress busting techniques you employ.

Source - Internet
Are you unable to reduce the negative effects through relaxation techniques? You need to change your diet accordingly to see positive effects of the stress busting techniques you employ.
Source - Internet
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Monday, January 27, 2014
Dalam masyarakat tradisi Melayu,terdapat banyak petua-petua untuk perawan (anak dara) yang elok dilakukan agar sentiasa dipandang menarik, menawan dan cepat dipinang orang. Ini juga merupakan petua-petua yang boleh diamalkan terus oleh wanita yang telah berkahwin dan telah mempunyai anak. Petua-petua berikut adalah koleksi dari berbagai pengalaman dan tulisan.
1. Bangkit Bersambut
Apabila mahu tidur malam, duduk berlunjur dan rebahkan badan ketilam tanpa menongkatkan badan dengan tangan. Apabila mahu bangkit dan tidur, lunjurkan kaki dan bangunlah tanpa menongkatkan badan dengan tangan. Cecah ibu jari kaki dengan kedua tangan.
2. Wajah Suci
Apabila bangun pagi, jika membasuh muka, elakkan dari mencucinva menggunakan sebarang alat pencuci atau mengesat muka dengan sebarang pengesat. Biarkan air itu kering sendiri pada muka. Jika mengambil air sembahyang pun, usahlah dikesat air itu, biarkan ia kering sendiri. Ini berfaedah mengekalkan kecantikan asli wanita, dan rnenjadikan muka bercahaya dan segar kerana pelembap asli muka tidak dibuang.
3. Menyegarkan Payudara
Apabila mandi, terutamanya di awal pagi, cucurkan air pancuran atau air paip ke atas kedua-dua belah payudara agar payudara sentiasa subur dan segar, tidak mudah jatuh.
4. Taman Semerbak Mewangi
Amalkan makan makanan yang segar seperti ulam-ulam yang wangi baunya dan sayur-sayuran yang wangi sejak dari perawan. Amalkan sentiasa. Nafas dan badan juga akan menjadi wangi. Petua ini telah diketahui sejak beribu tahun yang lampau.
5. Lubang Jarum
Latih otot penahan kencing, seolah-olah seperti menahan dan hendak buang air kecil, kemutkan berulang-ulang. Kemudian kemutkan pula otot dubur seolah-olah mahu menahan dari buang air besar, berulang-ulang juga. Jika boleh jadikan ia amalan setiap hari.
6. Suara Perindu
Elakkan dari banyak memakan makanan yang pedas-pedas atau yang agak panas. SeIalu minum air asam jawa.Berlatih bercakap dengan mengawal nada suara, jangan dilepaskan suara sewenang-wenangnya. Dikatakan bahawa suara perawan adalah bagai bunyi seruling yang merdu.
7. Mengurut Pangkal Bunting Padi
Biasakan mengurut di pangkal betis, iaitu dengan cara menekan dan memicit kawasan antara urat keting dan buah betis.Lakukan selalu, kerana ini baik untuk mempertingkatkan prestasi kepekaan rasa apabila jima’ setelah berkahwin nanti.
8. Payudara Montok
Elakkan dari meniarap di atas lantai sama ada di waktu siang atau malam,kerana meniarap dilantai akan mengendurkan payudara anda.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
They rock out to vintage Madonna records.
Note, we said records—not albums, not tracks, not MP3s. In one study at Harvard University, people who were placed in an environment that resembled their youth—with movies, music and memorabilia from the past—experienced marked improvements in their memory, vision, happiness level and overall health.
They're always looking for the hardest way to do things.
Here's how this works: Studies show that trying new and challenging activities (like aqua spinning, learning how to make kimchi, editing 15-second videos on your phone) force us to think in a different way, increase our brain volume, protect against cognitive decline—and can help make us a more open-minded person. And those who become more open to new experiences are more likely to be satisfied with their lives, found another recent study about personality.
They swap cola for cherry juice.
None of us would mistake soda for a health drink, but it's also been linked to gout (as well as knee pain and arthritis). Eating cherries, which contain powerful antioxidants with pain-fighting properties called anthocyanins—and which also taste delicious—can lower your risk of a gout attack. In one Boston University study, participants who ate 10 to 12 cherries over a two-day period had a 35 percent lower risk of flare-ups.
They don't think that misplacing their keys means anything (well, anything more than that they can't drive until they find them).
Have you heard that as you become older, you also become forgetful? That's what some middle-aged participants in a study by the USC Davis School of Gerontology were told just before they were asked to take a memory and reasoning test. As a result, they did much worse than other test-takers of the same age who weren't told these things. Researchers concluded that attributing every absentminded moment to getting older can actually worsen memory problems.
They refuse to go through dry spells.
Several studies have highlighted the fact that women who enjoy sex (and by "enjoy," we mean full-body fireworks, tickertape parade, meteor shower) tend to live longer. But we all know that's hard to achieve every single time, especially when you're in a long-term relationship. Fortunately for everyone involved, researchers have found that even maintenance sex can have anti-aging benefits: At least one study of more than 3,500 people showed that regularly getting busy in bed can help women look four to seven years younger.
They follow the same eating advice they give to kindergartners.
But they have grown-up reasons for finishing their broccoli: New research shows that a compound in the vegetable slows down the destruction of cartilage in joints associated with arthritis. (The "little trees" also contain sulfur compounds that can filter out carcinogens that promote tumor growth.)
They never miss a workout.
First, the not-so-great news: In a recent study of 1,789 women age 50 and older, only a bit more than 12 percent said they were satisfied with their body size (but as one of the researchers pointed out, given the enormous pressure on women to resist the natural physical processes of aging, the fact that any middle-aged women are happy with their body size and shape could be considered surprising). And now, the more inspiring news: One of the main things the satisfied women had in common was that they exercised more per week than dissatisfied women. So even if consistent sweat sessions won't make you look exactly like you did at 25, they will help you feel better about your body—and feel better, in general.
They buy into the yoga hype.
We've all heard the converts who believe yoga is a miracle cure for everything—including aging. So far, scientists haven't figured out a way to test that precise claim, but when a team of psychologists observed more than 200 female yoga practitioners over the age of 45, they found that the frequent and long-term practice of yoga was correlated with higher scores of physical and mental wellness (those who practiced yoga more often seemed to be better at "transcending the ordinary," while those who had been doing it the longest tended to have the most positive attitudes). Other studies have shown that yoga can reduce the risk of age-related scourges like achy joints, back pain and arthritis. (But because of new evidence that yoga may be especially taxing on the hips, it's important to pay attention to your body, back off when you feel something's not right and avoid instructors who encourage you to push through the pain.)
They made peace with getting older while they were still young(ish).
Something to keep in mind as you plan your 39th birthday celebration (again): Researchers found that people under age 50 who looked on the bright side of aging (e.g., it brings wisdom, perspective, more time with family) were less likely to develop cardiovascular disease later in life—and had lower mortality rates—than those who faced each birthday with dread.
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