Saturday, May 31, 2014


By Belinda Anderson

That voice inside your head has a huge impact on who you are and how
you live your life.

You may not think so, but with practice you can change your

Why wouldn’t anyone want to develop a habit of positive self-talk?

It uplifts you; it helps increase your confidence, it enables you
to attract what your heart desires, it allows you to adopt a
healthier lifestyle and it helps reduce stress.

However, it can easily slip your mind to regularly practice positive
self-talk if you don't make it a habit.

And yes, it might sound and feel ridiculous at first, but if you keep
going with your positive self-talk it will become natural to you.

To help you stay on track, you may like to put some post-it notes
wherever you'll see them: on the bathroom mirror, on your
computer screen of your wallet, in your car - wherever works
for you.

It's important to constantly remind yourself to speak kindly to
yourself until it becomes a habit.

Bring your awareness to your self-talk when you wake up, when
you're driving to work, waiting to be served at a restaurant,
exercising, or lying down; use it every day, in all situations.

When clients first come to me, this what they tell themselves
day in and day out.

"I don't want to feel overwhelmed.  I don't want to feel full of
anxiety and stress.  I don't want to be rushed every minute of
every day.

I don't want my house to be full of chaos and unhappiness.
I don't want my mind being consumed with negative thoughts
and my body being filled with physical tension.

I don't want to feel so tired and exhausted.

I don't want to feel like I live in a whirlwind.

I don't want to feel 'less' than.  I don't want to just exist from
day to day."

I immediately become clear on what they don't want, so I
shift their focus on what they DO want.

Being a Law of Attraction coach, I know what we focus on
expands,  and what we send out will always return to us.

I then suggest that they change their self-talk to something like:
  • I am capable.
  • I know who I am and I am enough.
  • I choose to be present in all that I do.
  • I choose to think thoughts that serve me well.
  • I choose to reach for a better feeling.
  • I share my happiness with those around me.
  • My body is my vehicle in life; I choose to fill it with goodness.
  • I feel energetic and alive.
  • My life is unfolding beautifully.
  • I am confident.
  • I always observe before reacting.
  • I know with time and effort I can achieve.
  • I love challenges and what I learn from overcoming them.
  • Each step is taking me to where I want to be.

Your self-talk creates your reality.   Is it time you rewired your
brain and created new thoughts and habits to help bring you
what you DO want as opposed to what you don't want?

Thursday, May 29, 2014


Ramuan khas untuk sakit tekak.

Dua biji lemon (dibersihkan dan dihiris)
Dua biji halia, sebesar ibu jari (bersihkan dan dihiris menjadi kepingan bulat)
1 cawan madu 

1. Dalam bekas (350ml – 400ml), campurkan hirisan lemon (tinggal 3-4 hirisan) dan halia.

2. Tuangkan madu ke dalam bekas itu dengan perlahan. Ini mungkin mengambil sedikit masa untuk membiarkan madu tenggelam ke bawah dan di sekitar limau dan halia hirisan. Pastikan setiap ruangan udara diisi dengan madu. Tinggalkan sedikit ruangan di atas untuk ditutup dengan beberapa hirisan lemon.

3. Tutup bekas itu dan masukkannya ke dalam peti sejuk. Ia akan keras dan menjadi seperti agar-agar.

4. Campurkan 1 – 2 sudu teh ‘agar-agar’ madu itu cawan dan tuangkan air mendidih ke atasnya. 

5. Boleh disimpan di dalam peti sejuk untuk 1 hingga 2 bulan.

Selamat mencuba!


Two lemons (thoroughly cleaned and sliced)
Two piece of ginger about the size of your thumb (sliced into coin size pieces)
Honey (about 1 cup-maybe more)

In a 12-16 oz. jar combine lemon slices and sliced ginger.

Pour honey (organic is best) over it slowly. 

This may take a little time to let the honey sink down and around the lemon and ginger slices. 

Make sure when the honey has filled in all the voids, there is enough to cover the top of the lemon slices.

Close jar and put it in the fridge, it will form into a "jelly". 

To serve: Spoon jelly into mug and pour boiling water over it.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014



Practice these 3 simple little tips and you'll be surprised at the attention you start to get.

1. A Woman Who Smiles (more powerful than you might realize)

A woman who smiles makes it easier for a man to approach her by conveying an attitude of confidence, warmth and playfulness. Since many women are fearful of giving men the wrong impression, they frequently guard their smiles. 

If they only knew that smiling is one of the things men can't resist. 

While this approach is safer, it inadvertently sends the wrong message that she is someone who is overly cautious because she has been hurt. 

In addition, smiling is a sign of acceptance. Men often need some signal that it is safe to approach a woman before they're willing to risk introducing themselves (unless they are intoxicated).

2. A Woman Who Listens (instead of dominating the conversation)

Women are generally perceived as rarely really listening to men, at least not beyond a few minutes. Most of the time, a few minutes is all men really need. But since most men hate to be rejected, it is easier for them to keep conversations superficial. Men expect most women to want to talk, rather than be willing to listen. 

If they happen to meet a woman who listens with her eyes (looks at him while he's talking) as well as her ears, they are intrigued. If she continues to listen and not take over the conversation, she's the kind of woman that men can't resist and want to spend more time getting to know her better. 

If fact, this is one of the best things you can do on a first date.

3. A Woman Who Dresses Feminine (men are really visual)

Everyone knows that men are visual. 

However, women often forget just how helpless men are to what they see. The right visual stimulation can hypnotize any man. 

Unfortunately, women hear this and often become fearful. They mistakenly believe that men only notice perfect women. 

Forget perfect! 

In spite of what you read about in magazines, men don't expect a woman to be perfect. 

If you really want to be noticed by men, think colors, dresses which highlight your curves. 

Don't dress to impress your girlfriends, but rather dress like you understand what guys like. 

Men basically like any woman who has that adorable quality that men can't resist. 

It isn't that men don't find women attractive in pants or when they are dressed comfortably -- they just don't notice them as easily. It doesn't catch their eye like sparkly earrings, pretty colors or flowing dresses and long hair does. 

Conversely, a powerfully dressed woman (think lots of red) makes most men think of sex, or not notice her at all.

She may have a soft side, but if men can't see it, they often don't know it exists. 

The more feminine (softer) a woman dresses, the more men she will attract.

Keep Glowing Ladies!

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Healthy eating advice for the British is for a diet that provides five portions of fruit and vegetables a day - three to five of vegetables and two to five of fruit.

Dr Katherine Rice-Evans ways that supplementing the diet may be sensible for children and for people who lead busy lives.

Her advice ti people who decide to take supplements is to read the labels carefully and select brands that give 75mg of vitamin E, 100mg of vitamin C and 15mg  of beta-caratene.

She said yesterday the for protection against the big killers, cancer and heart disease, vitamin E, C  and beta-carotene were emerging from various research projects as important.

Vitamin E is found in nuts and seeds, including bread made with whole wheat, wheatgerm, almonds, walnuts, corn oil, margarines and sunflower seeds.

Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, and a range of fruit and vegetables including potatoes, cabbage, kale, spinach, tomatoes and water cress.

Beta-carotene is found in green, yellow and orang fruit and vegetables including carrots, apricots, broccoli and lettuce.

Selenium is found in cabbage and broccoli and also in garlic, liver kidneys, milk, onions, whole grain foods and seafood - The Independent.

Sunday, May 4, 2014



This gorgeous BMW belongs to my gf
beli cash u
for her 18yrs old girl
Ain tumpang bergambar jer ya Hajah
someday........ hihihihi.......

Hujung minggu yang indah.

Kami pasangan ibu dan anak ada ujian JPJ kat Wangsa Maju..

Wah, berdebarnya.

Whoa ramainya orang.

My number is 31 and shes 32.

Its my turn.   Whoa tak sabar nak jawab soalan selepas membuat latihan menjawab lebih 900 soalan dan memahami dan mengingati semua fakta  antara reality dan mitos hehehe.

Ain dapat jawab 50 soalan dan LULUS ujian dan menjawab soalan dalam masa 16 minit.

Masa yang diperuntukkan ialah 45 minit .

That girl LULUS dengan menjawab soalan dalam masa 17 minit.

Nearly perfecto scored.

Ish, Ish, Ish  perasaannya.

Tapi kenapa tak gembira je?

"I should've  got straight 100% instead of 49/50"

Aiyoooo......susahlah macam ini.  Perfectionist nerd!.

Semasa mengambil sijil dari Pegawai Penjaga Peperiksaan:

"Encik, kenapa soalan mudah?  Penat tau saya memahami dan mengingati fakta dan menyelesaikan masalah-masalah?"

"Hihihihi mana ada, Puan yang pandai tu........"



It is widely known that our minds have the power to control our bodily functions and that when the mind takes over, one is able to achieve what is thought to be the unattainable.

In the field of sports, it is this mental state that helps put a sportsman a class above the rest.

This week, ToOh Seow Beng meet up with a sophrologist, whose job is to improve the performance of our national athletes through mental training.

MOST people do not know what a sophrologist is, let alone contemplate becoming one.  which is why meeting Canadian Michel Gagne (pronounced Gay-ne-yeal), a sophrologist by training, is like stumbling upon a new and exciting discovery.

Gagne, who is attached to the National Sports Council as a consultant in mental training psychology, is in Malaysia to help improve athletic performance through the application the application of the science of sophrologisy.

What exactly is sophrology?

Gagne explains that sophrology is a science that studies the altered state of consciousness and the ways of creating it.  Its objective is to increase the awareness and consciousness of our mind and body functions.

With sophrology, we can consciously use our mind to control bodily functions that are unconsciously controlled by the brain like the heart rate, blood pressure, temperature and blood volume pulse.

It is a mind-and body approach to achieving the ideal state of being so that one can be healthier, happier and more successful.  This state of being helps in many areas much as sports, dentistry (without anaesthestic and child delivery.

In view of this versatility, it is not surprising that a sophrology is a Jack-of-all-trades of sorts.  They can work on any fields which their sophrological skills can be applied.   Gagne has worked as a consultant in such areas as human resources, weight management and child deliveries.

Gagne explained that sophrology is different from psychology because it doesn't solve personal problems.  Instead it helps to cope with the resultant stress positively.

"For example, when you become angry the brain sends out chemicals or messages to other parts of your body.  And those chemicals affect you physically.  Your breathe becomes faster, your body becomes tense etc.  You get worked up and become stressful.

In the long run this kind of stress can create all sorts of health problems like cancer, skim problems, high blood pressure and urinerial problems.

"Using sophrology techniques, your problems won't go away.  What it does is teach you to build a self defence mechanism to control the negative aspects of these problems," said Gagne.

The same sophrological principle is applied to sports by Gagne to control the stress that athletes feel so that they are ready mentally as well  as physically.

"Athletes are people who consciously choose to expose themselves to stress when they participate in competitions.  Before competition, the stress goes up.  So from earlier on, we teach the athletes how to relax themselves," said Gagne.

According to Gagne, sophrology can help athletes cope with negative thinking.  Irrational thinking and distractions.  One example of negative thinking is inferiority complex and self doubt.  An example of irrational thinking is the belief that Rashid Sidek is no good outside Malaysia, while distractions include family problems the crows, the weather and food.

Gagne's role essentially is to design a mental training programme for the athletes.  Atletes who see gagne are first assessed through observations, performance analysis, interviews with the athletes and coachers' reports.

Gagne then asks them to set their goals and tries to help them achieve these goals through appropriate mental skill training.   The training includes teaching relaxation techniques, deep breathing , visualisation and mental rehearsal.

"What i do is build up a relaxation response in them using cassette music, my voice and certain key words.  After  some time, when they hear these things they automatically relax.   After years of repetition the athletes control their own stress.  We only help to monitor," said Gagne.

Athletes do regular and vivid visualisation, initially in low stress situations and eventually in more demanding imagined situations.   When the athletes have improved on the desired behavioural response, they then proceed to practise it in real, simulated, ad magined situations.

Sophrology also helps athletes by automating the desired behavioural response so that it becomes dominant in demanding situations even without a lot of cognitive monitoring.

For a sophrologist to be effective require the co-operations of other specialist like the coach, the nutritionist, the physiologist, the doctor and the weight trainer.

Commenting on the sports scene in Malaysia, Gagne said that Malaysian tend to think in the short terms.   Athletes sometimes think they can make it to the top within a year or two.   Often too, athletes are written-off if they don't perform within a short time frame or when they get older.

"Look at Mar McCoy, he's already 30 years old.  It took him four Olympics - 16 years - before he finally got his gold medal in the 110 metres hurdles in Barcelona.  Now more and more top athletes are in their 30's.  That's when they mature physically and mentally," he days.

Sophrology, said Gagne, is especially crucial in top level sports competition.

"The top athletes are all equal in terms of skills, fitness and physical strength.  so mental toughness is what decides who will come out top,".

Sophrology, as it is, is still a relatively new science that was pioneered by the Spaniards as a sub-medical profession in 1960 and was first applied to sports in 1968  by the successful Swiss skiing team to prepare for the Sapporo Winter Olympics Games.

Since then, it has been applied to many other areas of work, since it can be used to help the child delivery, dentistry, stress management, weight management and social work, the possibilities are quite exciting.

As for Gagne, he is diversifying his work and is now conducting stress management courses for the executives.  Gagne says that he would love to go back into helping in the area  of child delivery.  As sophrologist has largely been confined to the French and Spanish-speaking country, speaking French or Spanish is vital for those who are interested in becoming a sophrologist.

A person would also have to be already trained in a certain field, such as social worker or sports, before they are allowed to train as a sophrologist.

France, Canada, Switzerland and Spain are among the counties that offer training courses in sophrology.

These courses are not academic in nature.  Rather they are a professional qualifications.

source: NSTP

Friday, May 2, 2014



successful work small

Looking at what all the most successful people have in common, from artists to scientists to business leaders, there are definitely some patterns that appear. We have taken the time to look into them and dissect them and write some out for you so that you can see what you are doing right, or wrong.


In order to succeed, you must have insight. Successful businessmen and women need to know their strengths…and their weaknesses. If you know the type of person that you are and the type of personality you are then you know what tasks you will be capable of completing and what tasks you should delegate to others. You also know the type of people  you will be able to work with and what people you will not get along with. You will know what you are good at and what you need to work on. You will also enjoy your job better if you know yourself and what you enjoy, and more importantly, what you do not enjoy doing.


Business people are known to be busy, not just during the normal nine to five, but also past that into late hours of the night. The dedication they have to their careers is impressive. Stanford Professor, Jeffrey Pfeffer, found that high achievers tend to work 60-65 hours a week! This translates to at least six ten-hour days per week. The ability, energy, strength, and dedication needed in order to work such crazy hours characterizes powerful figures, and successful ones at that.


When you are working on your own project, determined to succeed, you must learn to say no to other projects and offers. In order to succeed, you must realize your limitations and know that you just do not have time for some things. In order to succeed, you must focus, and focus means saying “no” to distractions. Saying “no” gives you the time to accomplish your own goals, and so successful people are known for rejecting many offers, and you too must realize your limitations and learn to say “No.”


Networking is the key to success. Nobody at the top gets there alone. You need to give in order to get and you need to meet people and be kind because they will remember you and you will gain from knowing them. Creating connections between others will bring connections back to you and so by becoming the center of a network, you benefit the most.


“Tough times don’t last, tough people do”-Anonymous.

“Grit” is defined as “perseverance and passion for long term goals” and it was found to be more predictive of success than IQ – according to Via Dan Pink’s book “Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us.” While creativity and intelligence will help you get there, you need a lot of “grit”, a lot of perseverance to truly actuate your dreams and accomplish big things. This perseverance is actually one of the best predictors to success.

This also goes into recovering from failure. When successful people fail, they do not waste time lamenting, blaming, or quitting. They view it as a learning experience and see the future as a new opportunity to learn from their mistakes and keep trying or starting something new.


The book, “Luck Factor”, by Richard Wiseman, looks into what “lucky people” do right. There are certain personality types that work in a certain way which maximizes their chances for good opportunities. They tend to be more outgoing, optimistic, open to new ideas, and they follow hunches. This relates back to networking (#5) because outgoing, optimistic people meet more people and create a positive impression on others. The fact that they are open to new possibilities makes people come to them with new possibilities when they come around, and because these people are memorable, their network members come to them with new ideas and opportunities. These people that are offered new opportunities are not just lucky – they create their own luck.


Like every mythical hero, from Hercules and his little, half-goat mentor, to Luke Skywalker and Yoda, to the Karate Kid and Mr. Miyagi, everyone needs someone to walk them through the process. You cannot learn everything just by reading books. You must also learn from the knowledge and mistakes of others. A mentor will push you to practice. It has been proven that 10,000 hours of practice can make you an expert in anything. But dedicating that much time into something on your own is extremely difficult which is why a coach, a teacher, or an experienced elder can help make this activity more fun and help add an additional dimension to the learning process.


It is important to fail. It is important to fail because it is an opportunity to experiment. It is an opportunity to see what works, to start from scratch, to go off into a new direction. Failure is an important learning experience and it opens the door to new mistakes and more learning experiences. Successful people frame failure differently, and their mindset is what makes the difference. Successful creators keep thinking and poking and pushing and probing from different directions, analyzing and combining, and seeing what works and what doesn’t until the project is the best that it can be –achieving success.

So if you want to be a successful business person, you have to find something that you can dedicate yourself to. You have to find something you care about enough that you are willing to give up more than 10 hours a day, six days a week to make it happen. You have to build networks and constantly keep in touch with a lot of people at once, and be willing to give. But you also have to be able to balance that with the ability to say no. You have to know yourself and what you are capable of and know your limits.

You have to have the perseverance to push through and overcome obstacles but you also have to know that failure is a part of life, that making mistakes is alright, and learn to use these failures to improve the future. You should find yourself a mentor to learn from and lean on, to inspire you and to help you keep practicing. But most importantly, you need to stop waiting around for things to come to you. Make your own luck! Use your perseverance, your grit, your network, your mentor, and the lessons you have learned from your mistakes in order to create opportunity for yourself. This is what will set you apart from others, and this is what will make you successful.


Are you an excessive worrier? Perhaps you subconsciously think that if you "worry enough," you can prevent bad things from happening. But the fact is, worrying can affect the body in ways that may surprise you. When worrying becomes excessive, it can lead to feelings of high anxiety and even cause you to be physically ill.

What Happens With Excessive Worrying?

Worrying is feeling uneasy or being overly concerned about a situation or problem. With excessive worrying, your mind and body go into overdrive as you constantly focus on "what might happen."

In the midst of excessive worrying, you may suffer with high anxiety -- even panic -- during waking hours. Many chronic worriers tell of feeling a sense of impending doom or unrealistic fears that only increase their worries. Ultra-sensitive to their environment and to the criticism of others, excessive worriers may see anything -- and anyone -- as a potential threat.

Chronic worrying affects your daily life so much that it interferes with your appetite, lifestyle habits, relationships, sleep, and job performance. Many people who worry excessively are so anxiety-ridden that they seek relief in harmful lifestyle habits such as overeating, cigarette smoking, or using alcohol and drugs.

What Is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress. Ongoing anxiety, though, may be the result of a disorder such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, or social anxiety. Anxiety disorders are commonplace in the U.S., affecting nearly 40 million adults. Anxiety manifests itself in multiple ways and does not discriminate by age, gender, or race.

Stressful events such as a test or a job interview can make anyone feel a bit anxious. And sometimes, a little worry or anxiety is helpful. It can help you get ready for an upcoming situation. For instance, if you’re preparing for a job interview, a little worry or anxiety may push you to find out more about the position. Then you can present yourself more professionally to the potential employer. Worrying about a test may help you study more and be more prepared on test day.

But excessive worriers react quickly and intensely to these stressful situations or triggers. Even thinking about the situation can cause chronic worriers great distress and disability. Excessive worry or ongoing fear or anxiety is harmful when it becomes so irrational that you can’t focus on reality or think clearly. People with high anxiety have difficulty shaking their worries. When that happens, they may experience actual physical symptoms.

Can Excessive Worry and Anxiety Cause a Stress Response?

Stress comes from the demands and pressures we experience each day. Long lines at the grocery store, rush hour traffic, a phone ringing nonstop, or a chronic illness are all examples of things that can cause stress on a daily basis. When worries and anxiety become excessive, chances are you’ll trigger the stress response.

There are two elements to the stress response. The first is the perception of the challenge. The second is an automatic physiological reaction called the "fight or flight" response that brings on a surge of adrenaline and sets your body on red alert. There was a time when the "fight or flight" response protected our ancestors from such dangers as wild animals that could easily make a meal out of them. Although today we don't ordinarily encounter wild animals, dangers still exist. They’re there in the form of a demanding coworker, a colicky baby, or a dispute with a loved one.

Can Excessive Worry Make Me Physically Ill?

Chronic worry and emotional stress can trigger a host of health problems. The problem occurs when fight or flight is triggered daily by excessive worrying and anxiety. The fight or flight response causes the body’s sympathetic nervous system to release stress hormones such as cortisol. These hormones can boost blood sugar levels and triglycerides (blood fats) that can be used by the body for fuel. The hormones also cause physical reactions such as:

  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Dizziness
  • Dry mouth
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Irritability
  • Muscle aches
  • Muscle tension
  • Nausea
  • Nervous energy
  • Rapid breathing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sweating
  • Trembling and twitching

When the excessive fuel in the blood isn’t used for physical activities, the chronic anxiety and outpouring of stress hormones can have serious physical consequences, including:

  • Suppression of the immune system
  • Digestive disorders
  • Muscle tension
  • Short-term memory loss
  • Premature coronary artery disease
  • Heart attack

If excessive worrying and high anxiety go untreated, they can lead to depression and even suicidal thoughts.

Although these effects are a response to stress, stress is simply the trigger. Whether or not you become ill depends on how you handle stress. Physical responses to stress involve your immune system, your heart and blood vessels, and how certain glands in your body secrete hormones. These hormones help to regulate various functions in your body, such as brain function and nerve impulses.

All of these systems interact and are profoundly influenced by your coping style and your psychological state. It isn’t the stress that makes you ill. Rather, it’s the effect responses such as excessive worrying and anxiety have on these various interacting systems that can bring on the physical illness. There are things you can do, though, including lifestyle changes, to alter the way you respond.

What Lifestyle Changes Might Help Excessive Worriers?

Although excessive worrying and high anxiety can cause an imbalance in your body, there are many options you have that can re-establish harmony of mind, body, and spirit.

  • Talk to your doctor. Start by talking with your primary care physician. Get a thorough physical exam to make sure other health problems are not fueling your feelings of anxiety. Your doctor may prescribe medication such as anti-anxiety drugs or antidepressants to help you manage anxiety and excessive worry. 
  • Exercise daily. With your doctor’s approval, begin a regular exercise program. Without question, the chemicals produced during moderate exercise can be extremely beneficial in terms of enhancing the function of the immune system. Regular aerobic and strengthening exercise is also a very effective way to train your body to deal with stress under controlled circumstances. 
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Stress and worrying provoke some people to eat too little, others too much, or to eat unhealthy foods. Keep your health in mind when worrying nudges you toward the fridge. 
  • Drink caffeine in moderation. Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, which can trigger adrenaline and make you feel nervous and jittery. 
  • Be conscious of your worries. Set aside 15 minutes each day where you allow yourself to focus on problems and fears -- and then vow to let them go after the 15 minutes is up. Some people wear a rubber band on their wrist and "pop" the rubber band if they find themselves going into their "worry mode." Do whatever you can to remind yourself to stop dwelling on worries. 
  • Learn to relax. Relaxation techniques can trigger the relaxation response -- a physiological state characterized by a feeling of warmth and quiet mental alertness. This is the opposite of the "fight or flight" response. Relaxation techniques can offer a real potential to reduce anxiety and worries. They can also increase your ability to self-manage stress. With relaxation, blood flow to the brain increases and brain waves shift from an alert, beta rhythm to a relaxed, alpha rhythm. Practiced regularly, relaxation techniques can counteract the debilitating effects of stress. Common relaxation techniques include deep abdominal breathing, meditation, listening to calming music, and activities like yoga and tai chi. 
  • Meditate. Daily meditation -- instead of worrying -- may help you move beyond negative thoughts and allow you to become "unstuck" from worries that keep your body on high alert. With meditation, you purposefully pay attention to what is happening at the present moment without thinking of the past or future. Meditation decreases hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which are released during the "fight or flight" or stress response.
  • Have a strong social network. Loneliness may be as much a risk factor for disease as having high cholesterol or smoking cigarettes. People who are happily married and/or have large networks of friends not only have greater life expectancies compared with those people who do not, but they also have fewer incidences of just about all types of disease. 
  • Talk to a professional therapist. Psychological counseling can help you develop appropriate coping strategies to deal with issues that trigger excessive worrying. Psychological intervention can give you coping methods that you can use either within or outside other treatment programs. The therapist will help you identify what types of thoughts and beliefs cause the anxiety and then work with you to reduce them. The therapist can help you by suggesting ways that may help you change. But you have to be the one to make the changes. Therapy is only successful if you work on getting better.

13 Penyakit Miskin Mental 

yang Harus Dibuang

Seseorang yang memiliki sikap “Kaya Mental” setiap kali menghadapi situasi sulit dan tampak tak mungkin, tidak akan menyerah. Sebaliknya, mereka yang memiliki sikap “Miskin Mental”, saat menghadapi situasi yang mudah pun, akan melihatnya teramat sulit.

Sebenarnya orang yang memiliki sikap kaya mental pun berhadapan dengan situasi untuk menyerah, tetapi mereka menolak menyerah. Sikap miskin mental seperti apa yang paling umum mereka hindari? Seorang kolumnis Majalah Forbes, Cheryl Snapp Conner, mengumpulkan 13 sikap miskin mental yang dihindari orang sukses.

1. Buang waktu menyesali diri sendiri. Orang kaya mental tak akan menyesali kondisi kurang beruntung yang dimilikinya. Mereka juga tidak menyalahkan pihak lain. Mereka selalu beranggapan dan belajar bahwa tanggung jawab tindakan dan hasilnya berada pada dirinya sendiri. Jika hasil tindakannya ternyata buruk, mereka tak menyesalinya tapi langsung membuat tindakan positif berikutnya agar ia tetap bisa melangkah

2 . Merendahkan orang lain. Orang kaya metal menghindari tindakan dan perkataan yang merendahkan orang lain. Mereka sadar bahwa kekuatannya terletak pada kemampuannya mengelola respons. Mereka memahami bahwa emosi dan tindakannya selalu bisa dikendalikan.

3 . Malu berubah. Yang mereka takutkan bukan perubahan tetapi justru stagnan. Karena itu orang kaya mental selalu menyambut baik perubahan dan menganggapnya sebagai tantangan.

4. Buang energi pada sesuatu yang tak dapat dikendalikan. Orang kaya mental tak mengeluhkan kemacetan, kehilangan bagasi, atau tentang orang lain karena mereka menyadari bahwa respons terhadap semua faktor itu pada dasarnya bisa dikendalikan. Jika hal itu terjadi padanya mereka selalu bisa mengendalikan diri.

5. Khawatir saat menyenangkan orang lain. Apakah menyenangkan orang lain cermin kelemahan atau kekuatan? Banyak orang yang khawatir ketika akan membuat orang lain senang karena itu akan merusak imejnya. Tetapi orang kaya mental tak pernah mengkhawatirkannya, sejauh ia berlaku adil dan wajar.

6. Takut menghitung risiko. Orang kaya mental senang menghitung risiko karena dengan demikian mereka bisa menghitung risiko buruknya dan menimbang keuntungannya secara bersamaan.

7. Berdiam di masa lalu. Orang kaya mental menghindari untuk terus terpuruk pada masa lalu atau membanggakan kejayaan masa lalu. Mereka selalu menginvestasikan energi terbesarnya dengan mengoptimalkan masa kini dan masa depan.

8. Membuat kesalahan yang sama berulang-ulang. Seseorang yang kaya mental selalu bertanggung jawab pada hasil kerjanya di masa lalu dan menjadikan kesalahan masa lalu sebagai bahan pembelajaran sehingga kesalahan yang sama tak terulang.

9. Membenci keberhasilan orang lain. Dibutuhkan kekuatan karakter untuk merasakan sukacita yang tulus dan semangat untuk keberhasilan orang lain. Orang kaya mental memiliki kemampuan ini. Mereka tidak cemburu atau marah ketika orang lain berhasil.

10. Menyerah setelah gagal. Setiap kegagalan adalah kesempatan untuk memperbaiki. Orang kaya mental bersedia gagal lagi dan lagi, jika perlu, selama pengalaman belajar dari setiap "kegagalan" dapat membawa mereka lebih dekat ke tujuan akhir mereka.

11. Takut sendirian. Orang kaya mental tak takut sendirian. Saat sendiri justru mereka butuhkan atau lakukan untuk merencanakan sesuatu yang lebih produktif.

12. Merasa dunia berutang banyak kepadanya. Orang bermental miskin merasa dunia memperlakukannya tidak adil dengan selalu beranggapan ia seharusnya meraih pendapatan, gaji, atau hasil lebih baik dari saat ini. Sedangkan orang kaya mental selalu beranggapan bahwa mereka harus selalu siap bekerja dan seberapa tingginya pendapatan (suksesnya) bergantung pada seberapa besar, seberapa keras kerja mereka.

13. Mengharapkan hasil segera. Orang kaya mental selalu menganggap hasil terbaik tak mungkin datang tiba-tiba atau dengan cepat. Apa yang mereka lakukan saat ini adalah investasi untuk masa depan. Mereka tahu setiap sukses ada harga yang harus dibayar berupa perjuangan, kerja keras, dan juga waktu.

Itulah perbandingan sikap miskin mental dan kaya mental. Mari kikis sikap miskin mental untuk menjemput sukses!

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