Saturday, April 19, 2014


Alkisah, ada seorang bernama Adiba. Setiap kali marah, ia akan pulang ke rumah untuk mengelilingi rumah dan tanah miliknya sebanyak tiga kali putaran. Seiringnya berjalannya waktu, rumah dan tanah Adiba semakin luas dan banyak. Namun kebiasaan lamanya ketika merasa marah tetap Adiba lakukan. Ia masih saja mengelilingi seluruh rumah dan tanah miliknya. Meski harus berkeringatan, Adiba tidak peduli.

Suatu hari, sang cucu bertanya kepada Adiba perihal kebiasaan si kakek yang dianggap agak aneh. “Ada apa sih, Kek, kok Kakek rela lari-lari begitu? Apa nggak capek, Kek?”

Adiba menjawab, “Kakek sudah jalanin kebiasaan ini sejak muda, Cu. Setiap kakek bertengkar dengan orang lain, berdebat, ataupun marah, kakek akan mengelilingi tanah dan rumah sendiri sebanyak tiga kali. Saat berlari, kakek berpikir dan bertanya pada diri sendiri, ’rumahku masih begitu kecil, tanah juga masih sedikit, bukankah aku seharusnya tak punya waktu untuk marah pada orang lain?’ Dengan memikirkan pertanyaan itu, rasa marah kakek jadi hilang. Jadi, kakek bisa punya waktu yang lebih banyak untuk bekerja dan belajar.”

”Oh, begitu. Terus, sekarang kan kakek sudah kaya, kok masih saja berlari-lari mengelilingi rumah?” lanjut si cucu. Dengan tersenyum, Adiba menjawab, “Karena kakek masih bisa mendapat manfaat yang sama. Selagi berlari, kakek sekarang berpikir, ’rumahku sudah begitu besar, tanah juga begitu banyak, mengapa mempersoalkan hal kecil itu dengan orang lain?’ Setelah itu, marah kakek akan hilang.”


Rasa marah sesungguhnya adalah perasaan yang wajar kita rasakan, tapi yang menjadikannya tidak wajar apabila amarah itu tetap terpendam di hati kita dan malah mempengaruhi suasana hati kita sepanjang hari dan akhirnya berimbas ke kinerja kita secara keseluruhan. Karena itu, sangat penting bagi kita untuk menemukan satu cara efektif yang mampu menghilangkan amarah ketika kita merasakannya.

Jika Adiba memakai cara berlari mengelilingi rumah dan tanahnya untuk meredakan kemarahanya, bagaimanakah dengan kita? Mungkin kita boleh menggunakan musik instrumental klasik atau siaran radio kesayangan kita sebagai alat penghilang kemarahan kita.

Renungkan baik-baik untuk menemukan alat paling efektif dan sesuai  buat kita sendiri. Sebaiknya dapatkan lebih dari satu cara dan kalau perlu, buatlah daftarnya. Jika alat di urutan pertama tidak lagi efektif, kita boleh mencuba dan beralih ke alat di urutan kedua, dan seterusnya.

Selamat mencoba!

Friday, April 18, 2014



Ada beberapa perkara yang anda tidak sedar dan sangka ia membawa kesan buruk kepada kulit anda. Apa dia? 

Terlebih Cuci Muka

Anda fikir semakin kerap anda mencuci muka makin bersih kulit anda. Sebenarnya tidak, kerana mencuci wajah lebih dua kali sehari sebenarnya akan menyingkirkan minyak asli yang diperlukan oleh kulit. Dan saranan ini adalah untuk anda yang mempunyai kulit berminyak juga, kerana semakin kerap anda mencuci wajah makin banyak minyak terhasil kerana kulit mendapat isyarat kondisi kulit anda kering dan perlukan lebih minyak.

Scrub wajah kasar

Anda sangka dengan menggunakan scrub wajah yang kasar maka makin dalam proses pembersihannya. Tidak! Scrub wajah seharusnya halus dan tidak menyebabkan kulit menjadi kemerahan. Scrub wajah yang kasar juga boleh menyebabkan pori tersumbat, tompok hitam dan juga kedut. Scrub wajah anda sekali atau dua kali seminggu. Jangan lebih!

Berjaga malam

Semua orang tahu pabila kita kurang tidur makan wajah akan nampak sembap, kusam dan penat. Jika boleh elakkan menonton TV atau membelek telefon bimbit hingga larut malam kerana ia akan menghapuskan melatonin iaitu hormon yang membuatkan kita mengantuk dan mengawal ritma sirkadian (circadian) yang akhirnya menyebabkan wajah kusam dan berkedut. Oh ya, anda dinasihatkan tukar sarung bantal anda seminggu sekali kerana sarung bantal mengumpul minyak, sel kulit mati dan bakteria yang akhirnya melekat ke wajah anda.


Tentunya anda segan dan dalam masa yang sama geram dengan bintik-bintik hitam yang ada pada hujung hidung dan beberapa lagi kawasan wajah. Namun menghilangkannya bukan semudah membersihkan wajah dengan pencuci muka atau skrub, malah ramai yang berkunjung ke pusat kecantikan untuk sesi facial yang turut membuat prosesextraction untuk mengeluarkan bintik hitam.

Kini anda tak perlu bazirkan duit lagi kerana EH! ada lima cara yang jauh lebih murah dan juga berkesan untuk anda lakukan sendiri di rumah. Jom cuba!

Cara 1
Ambil telur putih mentah (pastikan tiada telur kuning tercampur), pukul sehingga kembang dan ratakan pada bahagian hidung yang ada bintik hitam. Letakkan lapisan nipis tisu diatasnya. Biarkan ia kering dan buang tisu tersebut. Bersihkan wajah seperti biasa dan sapu pelembap.

Cara 2
Pukul 2 biji telur putih dan perah 1 camca teh jus lemon. Sapu pada wajah biarkan selama 15-20 minit dan bersihkan setelah ia kering.

Cara 3
Campur satu camca teh baking soda, garam halus bersama pencuci muka gel. Ratakan pada wajah yang telah dibasahkan. Biarkan selama 5 minit dan bersihkan wajah.

Cara 4
Perah jus lemon dan campurkan dengan baking soda sehingga ia menjadi pes. Ratakan pada bahagian bintik hitam selama 20 minit dan bersihkan dengan air sejuk.

Cara 5
Potong buah lemon kepada separuh, letakkan beberapa titik madu di atas permukaan yang dipotong tadi. Kemudian sapu pada kawasan bintik hitam.


Selamat mencuba and keep glowing ladies!

Monday, April 7, 2014



Willing to give straight answer, to ask direct questions.  Doing the right things always, even when no one is looking over your shoulder.


Ensure a thorough understanding of a situation by listening to other points of view, and consider options presented by others.


Being polite always ensures a listening ear.   The best of ideas and suggestions, badly or rudely presented only yield resentment and are not heard.


Resilience to encounter adversity without losing sight of your goal.   Solve problems and don't allow obstacles, refusals and rejection to undermine your resolve.  Being tough is not meanness or hard-heartedness.  It is a determination to get the job done.


Just wanting something isn't enough - it remains as wishful thinking.  You must be committed to yourself, to your colleagues and to your employer to accomplish agreed objectives.


Even if you are not the best of communicators, avoid mumbling or hinting, hoping that others can hear or understand what you are hinting at.  Say what is in your mind clearly.  Sarcasm and coarse jokes will only alienate you from others.

Source:NSTP Research and Information Services



IF marriage were a contract, most laywers probably would advise potential newlyweds not to sign it.

After all, matrimony is considered one  of life's greatest commitments, but it contains absolutely no provisions or guarantees about what husbands and wives are entitled to.  Six children?  A big paycheque?  A golf partner?  Great sex?  One newly-wed might be perfectly happy with someone who can afford to buy half a house in the suburbs, while another demands unbridled passion.

All these ambiguities about the embattled American institution of marriage erupted in the unsettling case of Ronald Askew vs Bonnette Askew.

When their marriage of more than a decade ended in divorce, banker Ronald Askew sued his ex-wife for fraud because she admittedly concealed the fact that she had never felt sexually attracted to him.

An Orange County jury agreed, and ordered Bonnette Askew to pay her ex-husband US242,000 in damages.

Such sexual tugs-of-war between couples are not uncommon, therapists and psychologists say,  but the Askews' most intimate troubles were not confined to a private bedroom, they were divulged in a public court room, where they were analysed by a jury rather than a marriage counsellor.

Psychologists and anthropologists say the fraud case reflects the incongruities of love, American-style.  Clashes inevitably arise, especially in a culture that puts so much emphasis on romantic, love, because everyone's idea of an idlyllic marriage carries.

Experts say brides and bridegrooms often utter "I do" while deceiving their mate, or themselves - sometimes unwittingly - about what they expect after the honeymoon.  But, they ask, is this fraudulent behaviour or just human behaviour?.

"I'm astonished by this verdict and I've looked at divorce in 62 societies," said Helen Fisher, an American Museum of Natural History anthropologist who authored the recent book, Anatomy of Love:  The Natural History of Monogamy, Adultery and Divorce.

"Since when do people demand passionate love?"  she asked.  "It's not a commodity that you can buy, or will, out of someone else.  You either have it or you don't.....In America,  we are demanding everything from our marriage.  This court confirms that is the American way,".

Bonnette Askew, 45, acknowledged in court that she had never been sexually attracted to her husband.  But she said she always loved and noted that their marriage was not sexless and that they had two children together.

She first admitted her lack of sexual desire for during a joint therapy session in 1991.   "I guess he confused sex with love,"   Bonnette Askew said, adding that she concealed her lack of desire because she "didn't want to hurt his male ego,"

But Ronald Askew, 50, said his lawsuit had more to do with honesty and integrity than sex.  He felt deceived, especially because he said he repeatedly asked her before their marriage to be honest with him and disclose any important secrets.

If Ronald Askew believes total honesty is the foundation of good marriages, Fisher has a massage for him:  "Grow up,"

"Since when is anyone truly honest with anyone?"  Fisher said, "Did this man really want her to say:  "You're short, fat and you're terrible in bed?"  Much of the world is amazed at what they see as brutal honesty in America.   She was operating on an entirely different set of social values, which much of the world operates on - delicacy as opposed to brutal honesty."

Although the jury saw it as betrayal, "it is more likely she married him for other reasons, that she saw there were much more valuable things in the marriage," Fisher said "She undoubtedly married him because she loved him enough, and felt he was the right man for her."

Failing to admit a lack of sexual desire does not necessary mean a person is being intentionally deceptive, said Lonnie Barbach, a psychologist and sex therapist in Mill Valley, near San Francisco.

"People enter into marriages under false pretense,"  Barbach said.  "They may not be absolutely clear at the time why they do it.   She may not feel that she was deceiving him.  We fool ourselves in so many ways to get something we need."

However, New York psychologist and author John Ross said men and women should be able to expect mutual sexual attraction, and entering into marriage without telling your partner otherwise is deceptive.

"Often people get married for neurotic reasons and not out of passionate love.  I don't know if it's a crime or not.  That's up to the lawyers.  But dishonest to be deceptive about your feelings," Ross said.

Even the experts disagree about how important sex is to sustaining a marriage.

"The best relationships are ones that are founded on a good romantic, healthy physical relationship,"  Ross said.  "That's a part of a loving relationship between two people."

Not necessarily, others say.

"There are lots of marriages that work well even though there is no sex," psychologist and sex therapist Lonnie Barbach said.

"Relationship are not perfect," she said.   "You have to pick the areas that are most satisfying to you.  To some people, having no sex is inconceivable.  But somebody else is using totally different criteria."

In fact, when a women and men in their early 20s were asked in a survey to list the acts they find most romantic, seven out of ten answers  were the same for both sexes. But one difference was especially intriguing.  The men included making love in their top 10, while the women  did not, according to the survey conducted by the interpersonal communications researchers at Bowling Green University.

The Askews' flight, however, does not necessarily confirm the old stereotype that men equate sex with love, while women do not, some psychologists warn.

"It is an unfair stereotype,"  Bach said.  "Men and women may just have different ways of getting to the same thing.  Women may think it's more important to be loving and nurturing, and that will lead  to sex.  To men, sex may be their route to the loving and caring.  But that doesn't mean women don't think sex is important."

Andrew Christensen, a University of California, Los Angeles psychology professor who specialises in marriage and courtship issues, said: "It is absolutely the case, and it has been published in scientific journals, that a surprisingly high rate of happily  married couples have various sexual problems.....I wouldn't want to call people dysfunctional just because sex is not important to them, or just because it is very important to them."

"The trick is finding someone who has the same expectations that you do." Barbach said - LAT WP

So Ladies, what is your verdict?


Waktu itu sangat pantas berlalu, oleh itu waktu yang kita ada sekarang sebaik-baiknya di manfaatkan dengan melakukan banyak perkara yang kita inginkan.

Pandang kehadapan, apakah kedudukan kita yang kita mahukan 3 tahun, 5 tahun atau persaraan kita yang bagaimana yang kita kehendaki.

Manusia kadang takut menua, meski belum benar-benar memikirkan masa tuanya. Ketika kita menua, memang semakin banyak keterbatasan yang kita miliki. Oleh karena itu, perlu sekali kita melakukan 10 hal ini, sebelum kita menyesal tak melakukannya.


Kata orang, setidaknya sekali dalam setahun, pergilah ke tempat yang tak pernah Anda kunjungi sebelumnya. Maka Anda akan mengalami hari yang tak terlupakan dalam hidup Anda. Traveling sangat sesuai dilakukan saat kita masih muda dan kuat, karena saat itulah energi dan semangat masih berapi-api dalam diri.

Bad Relationship

Ini  yang paling bahaya. kadang kita memilih untuk setia pada cinta, namun ternyata kita berada dalam hubungan cinta yang buruk. Hubungan cinta juga merupakan pelaburan seumur hidup. Bila memang pasangan Anda sekarang tak mungkin  menjaga hati Anda dan satu sama lain, sebaiknya Anda mulai menilai kembali sedalamnya dengan hubungan tersebut.

Tidak Serius di Bangku Sekolah

Sekolah adalah salah satu masa yang menyenangkan. Namun sekolah di masa kecil dan remaja tentunya berbeza dengan kita yang mulai dewasa. Bagi Anda yang masih di bangku sekolah atau kuliah, nikmati masa-masa ini dengan banyak belajar dan berprestasi cemerlang. Percayalah, Anda tak akan menyesal ketika dewasa nanti.

Tidak Mendengar Nasihat Orang Tua

Mungkin Anda belum memerlukannya ketika Anda masih bersama orang tua, namun ketika Anda mulai hidup berdikari sendirian dan orang tua sudah tak ada di sisi, kadang Anda akan berkata dalam hati, "Ayah, ternyata kau benar." Well, jangan remehkan nasihat orang tua kerana sekalipun zaman berubah, ada banyak budaya yang tak berubah.

Tidak Segera Move On

Sekarang mungkin Anda masih keras kepala dengan perasaan Anda yang tak mau move on. Namun ketika Anda menyedari bahawa Anda di antara usia 20-an atau bahkan 30-an, Anda akan mulai menyesal. Move on memang tidak mudah, namun boleh dilakukan.   Bangun kembali impian  Anda untuk kehidupan dan cinta yang lebih baik.

Terlalu Banyak Bekerja

Masa dewasa Anda memang akan lebih sering dihabiskan untuk bekerja. Agar lebih seimbang, jangan lupa  bercuti dan habiskan banyak waktu dengan orang-orang tersayang. Dengan demikian ketika Anda tak bekerja lagi nanti, Anda masih punya kerabat dan kegiatan menarik untuk dilakukan.

Tidak Berani Mengambil Resiko

Anda perlu mengambil resiko dalam hidup ini walaupun sedikit. Dalam cinta misalnya. Kalau berani jatuh cinta, bersiaplah bahawa Anda boleh dikecewakan meski bukan itu  matlamatnya. Begitu pula dalam beberapa hal lain seperti pekerjaan atau kehidupan sosial. Kebanyakan orang menyesal karena mereka menyerah pada keadaan.

Terlambat Untuk Bersyukur

Jadilah orang yang menempuh banyak hal yang Anda inginkan dan akhirnya bersyukur. Jangan sampai Anda melakukan banyak hal yang sia-sia karena akan berujung pada penyesalan. Bila perlu, syukurilah setiap momen karena itu yang membuat Anda menjadi hebat seperti sekarang.

Jangan takut melakukan apapun selagi muda, selama itu akan menjadi hal yang menambah nilai kepada kehidupan anda. Biarkan adrenalin itu mengalir dan kehidupan Anda jadi lebih seronok. Agar Anda boleh meningkat tua dengan jayanya kerana anda menperlakukan hidup anda dengan sebaik-baiknya.

Keep on Glowing Ladies!


Do you work for a Bully, a Jellyfish or a Perfectionist?

"Virtually all bosses are problem bosses, in one way or another," says psychologist Mardy Grothe, and they often have a recognisable modus operand.

If you're suffering from a bad boss, chances are he or she combines several of these traits and can be dealt with effectively.

Here are some strategies for dealing with difficult bosses.

The Bully:

A new account manager at a small advertising agency watched co-workers cower under the boss's browbeating.

"He was like a schoolyard bully," the manager recalls, "and I've known since childhood that, when confronted, most bullies back down,"

So he matched his boss's behaviour.

"If he raised his voice, I'd raise mine," the manager recalls.  True to type, the boss started to treat him with respect.

Although standing up the bully often works, it could make matters worse, Grothe recommends reasoning with him after he's calmed down and explaining how his temper affects you.

"Some bosses have had a problem with temper control all their lives, and are not pleased with this aspect of their personality,: he says.

Whatever strategy you choose, deal with the bully as soon as possible, because "once a dominant or subservient relationship is established, it becomes difficult to unshackle," warms industrial psychologist James Fisher.

The Workaholic:

"Some bosses don't know the  difference between work and play," says Nancy Ahlrichs, vice president of client services at an international firm.  Worse such a boss invades your every waking hour, making it impossible to separate your home life from the office.

Ahlrichs advises setting limit on your availability.  Make sure the boss knows you can be reached in a crisis, but a a matter of practice go home at a set time.

If he responds angrily, reassure him that you will tackle any project first thing in the morning.

The Jellyfish:

The Jellyfish simply can't take charge because he's afraid of creating conflicts.

He refuses to establish even a rudimentary pecking order in his office.

So "you must take charge," says Lee Colby, a management consultant.

"Tell the Jellyfish:   "This is what I think I ought to be doing.  What do you think?"

You are taking the initiative, without stepping on your boss's toes,"

Building an indecisive supervisor's confidence is another good strategy.

If you can supply  hard facts and figures, you can then use them to justify any course you recommend - and gently ease the Jellyfish into taking a firmer stance.

The Perfectionist:

Pschiatrist Allan Mallinger, co-author of  Too Perfect: When Bring in Control Gets Out of Control, says "the Perfectionist's overconcern for thoroughness slows down everyone's work.   When everything has to be done perfectly, tasks loom larger."

To improve your lot with  a Perfectionist boos, get her to focus on the big picture.

If she demands you redo a task you've just completed, mention your other assignments, and ask her to prioritise.

If your boss is nervous about a particular project, offer regular briefings. By keeping the Perfectionist posted, you might circumvent constant supervision.

The Aloof Boss:

Many workers feel frozen out by their boss in subtle ways.  Perhaps he doesn't invite them to key meetings or he might never be available to discuss projects.

To understand your boss's inability to communicate, it's vital to examine his work style.   Find out what makes your boss tick - and speak in his or her language.

Understanding your boss can make your tenure more bearable.  And the skills you sharpen to ease a tense relationship will stand you in good stead throughout your career - Reader's Digest Asia.



"I am 35 years old and leading a relatively active lifestyle.  I exercise regularly and am on a wide range of supplements.  But lately my eye bags are becoming very prominent.  Please advise"


As we grow older or skin loses some of its elasticity and bags, etc, under the eyes become more noticeable.  Another cause of this is poor function of the liver and kidneys.

Quite often taking a dandelion-based herbal diuretic in combination with extra vitamin C  and six to eight glasses of water daily will help immensely.  This will help flush the kidneys, keeping them healthy, as well as maintaining proper function of the liver.

Also, vitamin C is needed for the formation of collagen, the cement of skin, and it also helps to maintain skin's elasticity.

I would  suggest that an antioxidant A, C and E formula would be the best way because the other antioxidant nutrients in the formula, beta carotene and vitamin E, are of great benefit to good health and healthy skin - Russel Setright, Australian naturopath n herbalist

Kadang ada kalanya kita menangis semalaman hingga mata sembab dan bengkak  keesokan harinya. Bisa juga mata menjadi sembab karena durasi tidur yang kurang.

Membasuh  wajah Dengan Air Dingin

Gunakan sapu tangan  lembut yang dicelup air biasa maupun air dingin. Lekapkan atau lapkan ke wajah dan mata Anda selama beberapa menit. Maka sembab di wajah Anda akan berkurang.

Menggunakan Uncang teh

Gunakan uncang teh yang didinginkan selama beberapa menit. Uncang teh bisa merilekskan area kantung mata yang sembab dan mengurangi lingkaran hitam serta tanda stres di kulit.

Memakai Irisan Kentang 

Kentang mengandung banyak air yang boleh digunakan untuk mendinginkan kulit. Gunakan hirisan kentang untuk menyejukkan  mata sehingga sembab berkurang.

Menggunakan Air Garam

Anda juga boleh membasuh area yang sembab dengan air garam. Kandungan garam bisa membantu menenangkan kulit dan membuatnya berseri kembali.

Memakai Concealer

Gunakan concealer untuk menyamarkan kerutan yang makin nampak akibat mata sembab. Aplikasikan sedikit sambil ditepuk perlahan dengan jari manis untuk meratakannya.

Dengan menggunakan beberapa langkah di atas, Anda boleh mengatasi mata yang sembab. Untuk menrias mata pada mata yang sembab, hindari jenis smokey eyes yang boleh membuat mata nampak penat.

Pakailah warna alami seperti cokelat untuk membingkai mata, sehingga lebih terlihat natural dan mengurangi efek mata sembab.

Keep glowing ladies!


"When grace is joined with wrinkle, it is adorable.   There is an unspeakable  down in happy old age" - Victor Hugo

Apabila usia semakin meningkat, semua orang akan merasakan kedutan di muka akan bertambah. Ini akan menampakkan seseorang kelihatan di mamah usia. Petua-petua tradisional menyediakan petua menghilangkan kedutan di muka dengan cara tradisional dan semulajadi.

Bahan pertama ialah lobak merah dan anda harus memarutkannya hingga hancur. Ambil sebiji kuning telur dan satu sudu tepung jagung dan gaulkan kesemua bahan hingga sekata atau sebati.

Letakkan bahan-bahan tersebut ke bahagian muka anda yang berkedut itu. Setelah itu biarkan seketika lebih kurang 30 minit ke 40 minit di bahagian berkedut itu. Sesudah itu barulah dibasuh muka anda menggunakan air yang bersih.

Insyaallah petua ini akan dapat mengurangkan kedutan muka anda. Mungkin orang akan nampak muka anda seperti 20an walaupun umur anda mencecah 50an. Hehehe...

Keep glowing ladies


Garam kebiasannya digunakan untuk memasak tetapi tahukah anda garam juga sangat berguna dalam dunia kecantikan? Ibarat mendapatkan rawatan di spa, semuanya boleh dilakukan dirumah sahaja.


Skrab Wajah – Campurkan garam dengan minyak zaitun, gosokkan pada wajah. Ia dapat menanggalkan sel kulit mati dari wajah.

Kaki – Rendam kaki dalam air suam yang dicampur dengan garam selama 15 minit. Kemudian gunakan kayu skrab untuk skrab kulit mati pada kaki. Merendam kaki didalam air garam mampu menghindari kaki dari dijangkiti bakteria.

Gigi – Sesekali sesekala, gosok gigi menggunakan campuran garam dan serbuk penaik serta air. Garam akan bertindak sebagai penyah-bakteria manalakala serbuk penaik mampu menghilangkan kotoran pada gigi dan gigi akan jadi putih.


Sunday, April 6, 2014


Beauty Tips

Your eyes are surrounded by the most delicate skin on your body and only by giving this skin special care can you have eyes that lie about your age.

Here's how:

Cleansing on the gentle cycle

Learning the right way to take off your eye make up is especially important because this area is where your wear the make up that's toughest to remove.  Even mascara that isn't waterproof can be difficult to remove.  But if you go to bed with eye make up on, you run the risk of irritated and possibly puffy eyes in the morning - to say nothing of dry, broken eyelashes.

Mascara, concealer and eye liner are best removed with a commercial product.  The ideal eye make up, yet gentle and easy to use and non-drying.  Kathleen Walas, beauty and fashion director for Avon and author of Real Beauty....Real Women (Master Media Limited, 1992) said:

"It's most important to recognise that the eye area is separate from the rest of the face area because of the thinness of the skin and its closeness to the eye itself".

"A remover that is a thin lotion or gel is preferable to an oil because the oil can get into the eyes and be uncomfortable.  It's also harder to remove oil without leaving residue".

To apply remover, put just a tiny bit on your fingertips, close your eyes and work the remover across your lashes in a downward and outward motion.  Next, across the eyelid and then across the eyelashes.

"You don't need to put remover under the eyes," said Walas

"If you do, it can seep in and irritate them.  When you are done, follow up with a damp (lukewarm water) washcloth  (infant washcloths are best) that you just pat lightly over the eyes area to remove any left-over make up.

It will ruin the washcloth, so designate one just for that purpose.  When you open your eyes, take the washcloth and run it underneath your lower lashes rather than applying more remover.

"Next, simply cleanse your face (if you use a toner, don't use it on the eye area) and apply an overall face moisturiser containing suncreen.  Begin applying it at the neck and massage with an upward and outward circular motion, being careful not to get any in your eyes.

Minimum moisture for maximum effect

"Use separate eye moisturisers designed specifically for that area - the product should be light in consistency so that it is more easily absorbed" said Trish McEvoy, skin care specialist in New York City.

The new trend in eye-care products stresses lighweight formulas like gels or sheer lotions.  The gels, if refrigerated, can offer soothing hot-weather benefits for puffy eyes.

"You may also want to look for a day time eye cream that has PABA-free SPF sun protection or a foundation with SPF, " said Walas.

When you apply treatment products on the eyelids, don't use much in fact, you may not want to use any unless your lids are very dry.  Just use a little moisturiser underneath and at the outer corners of the eye.  Use the ring finger for applying anything around your eyes because it delivers the least amount of pressure.

Concealing secrets

Concealers can work wonders to lighten dark circles around the eyes.  A concealers should be one shade lighter than your skin tone.

Consistency is largely a matter of preference, but dense cream gives the most coverage.   Using the ring finger, start at the inner corner of the eye, pat the dark circular area, then stop about two-thirds of the way underneath the eye.

"One of the biggest mistakes women make with concealers is to carry it out too far toward the out corners of the eye.  Then the product cakes in the little laugh lines," said Walas

"The other mistake is to put concealer on puffy bags under the eyes.  If ypu put a light conealer thee, you'll be making them more obvious by highlighting them".

Apply concealer first, then your foundation.   On a really bad day, you may want to put a little bit more on top of the foundation - UPS.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Totok Wajah Cara Alternatif Untuk Botox

Totok wajah ialah teknik pemijatan di bahagian wajah dengan penekanan kepada titik aura wajah dan melancarkan peredaran darah di sekitar wajah. Teknik ini mula diperkenalkan di negeri Cina bagi melancarkan peredaran darah di bahagian wajah dan menjadi amalan untuk mengekalkan awet muda. Amalan menotok wajah dapat menyegarkan seseorang dan mengurangkan penyakit yang biasa dialami di sekitar wajah dan kepala terutamanya migrain.


Kelebihan menotok wajah:

  • Menjadikan otot-otot wajah kenyal dan anjal
  • Merangsang sirkulasi darah membuatkan wajah menjadi segar dan bersih
  • Merangsang regenerasi kulit wajah
  • Meredakan sakit kepala, ketegangan dan lelah

totok wajah 3

Totok wajah merupakan alternatif kepada amalan botox kerana ia dapat menegangkan kulit muka, mengurangkan kendur serta garis halus pada wajah. Yang pastinya ia dilakukan secara semula jadi tanpa perlu menggunakan suntikan. Efek dari menotok wajah juga akan membuatkan kamu kagum dengan teknik ini.

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