Monday, July 15, 2013

The Benefits Of Fasting

The Benefits of Fasting

Fasting is an ancient ritual which is common in all religions. Those who like controversy always ask, “How come that God creates for us a mouth, teeth, pharynx and stomach to eat and then ask us to fast?! How come He creates beauty and lust then asks us to lower our gaze and be chaste? Is that reasonable?”

I say to them it is the only reasonable thing. Allah gives you a horse to ride and not to be ridden by it. You are supposed to subjugate the horse and lead it, not to be led by it. Your body is your horse which is created for you to ride, control, lead and use for your own purpose. You are not supposed to be subjugated by your body or used to achieve its lusts and desires. Hence, controlling desire, steering whim and bridling stomach are the signs of man.

Fasting gives the individual a real taste of hunger, thirst which helps him to realize the experience of the poor.

This experience should instill a desire to help those who are less fortunate by sharing food and wealth with them.

It is required that the individual to give up not only food, drink and intimate relations, but 
also that he refrain from all forms of lying ( e.g backbiting, slander)

This confirmed by hte Prophet's (peace be upon him) statement, "Allah has no need for the hinger or thirst of the person who does not restrain from telling lies and acting on them even while observing the fast".

(Sahih Bukhari Vol 3, Bk 31, Num:127)

He also said, "When one of you is fasting, he should abstain from indecent acts and unnecessary talk, and someone begins an obscene conversation or tries to pick an argument, he should simply tell him, "I am fasting."

[Sahih Bukhari]

So, if one observes the fast according to the above principles, it should improve his moral character, making him more truthful and more careful about what he says and doe

It has also been noted by medical experts that fasting improves the physical health in numerous ways. For example, during the fast the body uses up stored cholesterol (fats) which are often deposited in the blood system, as well as in other fatty areas of the body. Thus, it helps to keep the body firm and minimizes the danger of heart attacks.

Fasting trains the individual for Jihad (fighting in the way of Allah) by giving him a good course in self-control. During war the desires of the stomach and the private parts often lead soldiers of war to either commit excesses or to unnecessarily expose themselves to danger.

May we take full advantage if this blessed month.. 


Spread the word so others can benefit and you can gain your rewards. InshaaAllah.

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