Saturday, May 25, 2013

Alkalinity For Better Health

> food with above pH7.0 levels can help enhance the body's immunity, digestion and cardiovascular systems as well as metabolic processes<

OPTIMAL health depends on our body's ability to maintain a slightly-alkaline condition in our cells and tissues.

When our cells and tissues are overly acidic, we tire easily and this may lead to chronic fatigue, body aches and pain.  High acidity also decreases our resistance to infections.

Important physiological functions such as immunity, digestion, and cardiovascular, as well as metabolic processes and enzyme reactions require an alkaline internal environment.

Alkalinity is measured by pH (hydrogen potential) reading with 7.0 for neutral, above 7.0 for alkaline and lower than 7.0 for acidic (low in oxygen).

Sources of highly-acidic foods include oysters, crab, lobster, veal, sardines, salmon, herring (smoked fish), chicken, most fish, oily food, dairy produce, egg yolk, and grain-based products.

Soft drinks, packaged fruit juices, sweetened beverages, and artificial sweeteners (except Stevia) are highly acidic too.

Oatmeal is probably the most acidic among the grain family, whereas millet may be the only grain sold locally that's alkaline.

Whole unpolished rice with its bran may be alkaline.  But white (refined) rice, Beehoon, biscuits, cookies, bread, breakfast cereals, pastries, cakes, and all noodles are acidic.

Locally-produced 'wholemeal' bread containing just some added bran may not be sufficient to make the whole bread flour alkaline.

Spaghetti is more acidic than rice, which is more acidic than fresh corn.

However, the long-term health benefits of eating genetically-modified corn or rice are unknown.

Beans, seeds, vegetables, and most nuts (including coconut) are generally alkaline since they're rich in minerals.

Sweet fruits that are high in fructose are acidic.  the exceptions include lemon, pineapple, fig, pomegranate, apricot, raisin, dates, cherries, currants and nectarines.

It's important to note that white fructose doesn't have a major impact on the glycermic index, its health claims are highly contested.

When our body becomes overly acidic, in order to retain a slightly alkaline blood of say pH 7.4, it will leach calcium and other minerals from our bones, resulting in osteoporosis.

Topping up just on calcium is unlikely to help since our bones are made from more than a dozen minerals.  Excess calcium causes mineral inbalance which also promotes osteoporosis.

Maintaining a proper pH is so crucial to survival that when blood pH drops to 6.9, coma may result.  It's widely accepted that if blood pH drops to 6.8 or lower, death is likely to follow.

Our body pH is linked directly to our dietary and lifestyle habits.

Tap water has a neutral pH RO (Reverse Osmosis) water has a lower pH.  You can also use a home unit to produce ionised alkaline water.

And water filters aren't the same as alkaline water machines, which have both filtering and oxygen-separation features combined in one unit.

To test the water or beverage for alkalinity, use a pH test kit which is available from major pharmacies.

Meat, poultry, fish, rice, noodles, desserts, and soft drinks are acidic.  So, to sustain life in the long-term, the consumption of vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, and alkaline fruits/berries is necessary to ensure out blood pH is kept at around 7.4.

Our lymph and cerebral spinal fluids are also designed to be slightly alkaline at a pH of around 7.4. 

Our body will do its best to help us secure this fluid pH.  Minerals from our bone structure are usually sacrificed for this purpose.

Arterial plaques in our heart stones in our kidneys, and gangrene (classified arteries in legs) - if you're suffering from late-stage diabetes - may be linked to excess calcium in our blood due to acidosis.

Consequently, complementary medical therapies target reversal of acidoses for treatment of arteriosclerosis (hardening of arteries), diabetes, hypertension, and most types of cancer.

Deep-fried foods are acidic since fats including trans fats are highly acidic by nature containing no oxygen molecular.

Since the 1920s, it has been observed that a low body pH can contribute to tumour/cancer growth. 

It's known in complementary oncology that cancer cells are unlikely to survive in a pH environment of 8.0 or higher.

This explains why five daily servings of green vegetables (but not sweet fruits) may significantly lower the risk of most types of cancer.

Indeed, the Gerson's Cancer Therapy relies entirely on consuming several kilogrammes of raw organic vegetables juices every day.

Acidic wastes stored in tissues, joints, organs, and glands can damage or cause their dysfunction.

Although vitamin C is itself acidic, its consumption can lead to detoxification of acidic wastes and our body can turn more alkaline as a consequence.

Besides lemon, food rich in vitamin C include green chilli, bell pepper, guava, green kiwi, and berries.  

Ideally, these foods should be eaten fresh and raw.

Proteins from animal, livestock or seafood sources are acidic. 

 However, plant based protein from soy isolate, bean sprouts, tofu, fucuk, nuts, and seeds tend to be alkaline due to their high mineral content.

Although salt is alkaline, excess of it can severely damage the kidneys.

For those with kidney disease, the acidic foods to avoid include animal meat, organ meat, seafood, toasted breakfast cereals, sweet fruits (which promote accumulation of uric acid), and noodles. 

 Moderate amount of plant-based protein diet under the supervision of a licensed nutritional therapist is advised.

Besides consuming more alkaline meals, exercises can help push the pH level in our bodies since  acidic  wastes can be removed partly through the skin in the sweat.

A lifestyle that incorporates regular walking, jogging, aerobic exercises, and treadmill can help with the alkaline level in our body.

The  Alkalete Solution

*  Reduce swelling and Inflamation

*  Eliminate Acid Indigestion

*  Boost Energy and Endurance

*  Increase Muscle Strength

*  Relieve Pain

Thank You  Datuk STEVE YAP, President of the Federation of Complementary & Natural Medical Associations.

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